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Tinkerer's Vs. System Workshop
Avengers Sneak Preview
Hey there everyone. It’s
me again your old buddy the Tinkerer here this time to tell
you all about my adventure this past weekend at the Avengers
sneak peek tournament. In this installment of my workshop
I’ll be talking a little about the cards I played, what
cards to look out for when playing a sealed pack format with
the new set, and about the prizes given out to the top
For starters the prizes totally kicked butt this time. Just
for entering the tournament the tournament director passed
out two extended art stackable (like Daredevil and Punisher
when Marvel Knights sneak previews were held) Captain
America and Iron Man promos. Unfortunately this time around
neither card was rare (like the previously mentioned
Daredevil was) but who can want everything. The cards still
looked awesome nonetheless. The top 4 finishers each
receiver a full set of prizes including a slick new playmate
featuring a stunning fully painted portrait of the Avengers
painted by none other than Alex Ross himself. An Avengers
steel deck box featuring Thor on one side and Iron Man on
the other with artwork supplied by Vs. long standing artist
Andrew Robinson who did an amazing job on most of the cards.
A brand spanking new tee-shirt was included in beep blue
with the Avengers logo and a giant silk screened Iron Man on
the back (It’s a little itchy though, even after a wash). My
favorite prize though was the extended art version of Earths
Mightiest Heroes. Featuring the current highest printed
attack increasing of +7 atk it is sure to be highly coveted
by Vs. players everywhere. Door prizes consisting of all the
above items except the EA Earths Mightiest Heroes were
passed out at random during the first tournament. My
girlfriend and I were the lucky recipients of those sweet
looking deck boxes while her awesome little sister was lucky
enough to receive one of those Alex Ross playmates. Go KT!!!
As for the set it’s self I’m excited. I’ll admit it, I
always get excited whenever the dawn of a new set is upon
us, but this time the cards are good, I mean really good. I
played in two flights Saturday (2 different tournaments at
the same store) taking 4th in the first one and winning the
second one overall. First time through out of the five packs
I opened it was like an Avengers bonanza. I made a smooth
curve of character from the one drop rare Jarvis (if Jarvis
would become stunned you may instead return him to your hand
to search for an Avengers character card), to Falcon and the
Black Knight in the 2 spot, to Black Panther and Captain
America at 3, to Iron Man and Carol Danvers at 4, 5 was hank
Pym <>Giant Man and Scarlet Witch, with Vision making an
appearance in the 6 slot. Filler came in the form a 3-drop
Moonglow and a 6-drop Hyperion from the Squadron Supreme
team. A 5 and 7 drop Beetle from the Thunderbolts and a huge
4-drop Iron Man (11atk/7def with Invulnerability while
attacking) from the Thunderbolts with loyalty to them and to
the Avengers. Plus the Wrecker as yet another 6 from the
Masters of Evil There were other cards, but since Saturday
I’ve needed the card sleeves I used for playing that day and
no longer have my actual deck list available anymore.
In the second go around I went a little more wild, and it
paid off big time. The packs I opened this time didn’t seem
to have any real cohesive force binding the characters
together so I decided to go rogue with my build this time.
Fortunately for sealed pack players this set is jam packed
with (about 8) different Team-Up cards and numerous ways to
search them out. I believe I pulled about 4 Team-Ups out and
decided to go to town. Completely bypassing my 1 spot I used
a Falcon and Wasp (Avengers), Shape (Squadron Supreme) and a
Screaming Mimi (Masters of Evil) for my 2 spot characters.
Captain America and Quicksilver (Avengers) and I somehow got
my hands on a pair of Mammomax who is an uncommon
Brotherhood character with stats of 7/4. 4 spot consisted of
Golden Archer (SS) Mr. Hyde (MoE) Piledriver (MoE) and the
rare 4-drop Thor (AVG) who is so friggin’ good if you open
him in a pack you should do your best to structure your
entire deck around him. Turn 5 brought Scarlet Witch again
and a Thunderball (MoE) along with the non-rare 5 Kang. For
my 6th turn I used the other version of Iron Man who is just
too darn good to pass up and a Helmut Zemo<>Citizen V.
Arcana is an absolutely insane 7-drop from the Squadron
Supreme who went along with Hank Pym<>Goliath.
Plot Twists are good all around and most of them are very
common. A card called Call Down the Lightning came in so
handy in both rounds of the tournament I can hardly believe
it (As an additional cost to play, replace a reservist
resource you control. Target attacker you control gets +3
attack this attack. If you replaced an Avengers character
card, that attacker also gets +3 defense this attack.) Kinda
like an It’s Clobberin’ Time for Avengers. Repulsor Ray is
another good attack boosting card that is generic but helps
you more if you control an Avengers character (Target
attacker you control gets +2 attack this attack. If that
attacker has the Avengers team affiliation, your opponent
cannot use character payment powers this turn.) Justice Like
Lightning (Target attacker you control gets +2 ATK this
attack. If that attacker has the Thunderbolts affiliation
exhaust a character your opponent controls) is an excellent
plot twist that not only boosts your attack but gives you a
little of a control element in a format with virtually none
is always a nice pull. Call to Arms is a completely generic
Plot Twist (Target attacker you control gets +2 atk this
attack, if it has two or more team affiliations it gets an
additional +2 atk) that will add strength to and sealed
deck. Shrink is a really versatile card as well (Target
attacker gets -2 atk/+2 def this attack) on more than one
occasion I found myself shrinking my own character to
prevent a mutual stun then boosting my own attack again to
ensure the stun.
Wish I had something to say about the Locations and
Equipment in this set, but there weren’t any I saw that
really impressed me with the exception of Minjor, Thor’s
Hammer. Not an exceptionally good card for sealed…especially
since it’s rare, can only be equipped to Thor, and both
versions of Thor are also rare….but may be really cool in a
constructed Avengers deck.
So all in all I want to give kudos to Upper Deck for making
a seeming well balanced and thoroughly entertaining new
expansion set for our entertainment. I also want to thank
our tournament organizer for the day who decided he really
wanted to give away all the prizes he had…quite a few to me.
So thank you TO for letting me and my girl take home a total
of 6 sets of stacker promos, 2 tee-shirts, 3 deck boxes, 2
playmats, and 4 extended art Earths Mightiest Heroes. Not a
bad haul if I do say so myself.
Now I want every one of you to get out there and play. This
set is so much fun and I can’t wait for people to start
sending me deck lists for the new teams.
So until next time,
……..I’ll see ya when I see ya.
Next time on the Tinkerer’s Workshop….TEAM X-CHANGE!!!