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week I was asked for help with a Marvel Knights deck by
a really nice guy I’ve been playing with on Magic
Workstation. This is what Jason had to write:
Here's the deck that you've been trashing on MWS. :)
I initially tried to do more of an equipment based deck,
which focuses more on Blade early and then Punisher at
mid-game. This just doesn't seem to be working as well
as it could. I'm thinking that I should just change it
to a more basic deck that doesn't focus on equips as
much. Not sure which way to go with it. I was actually
considering a team-up with Crime Lords, but I haven't
looked at it too deeply yet. Let me know what
recommendations you have. I really appreciate it!!!
Blade, Eric Brooks
Shang Chi, Master of Kung Fu
Daredevil, Protector of Hell's Kitchen
Stick, Leader of the Chaste
Luke Cage, Street Enforcer
Moon Knight, Marc Spector
Daredevil, Matt Murdock
Punisher, Executioner
Luke Cage, Power Man
Spiderman, The Spectacular Spiderman
Dr. Strange, Stephen Strange
Daredevil, Guardian Devil
Ghost Rider, Danny Ketch
Head Shot
Wild Ride
Crime and Punishment
Pleasant Distraction
Bring the Pain
Swan dive
War Wagon
The thing is, this deck at first glance doesn’t have too
many problems. I see that with the exception of some
“tech” cards like Pleasant Distraction you are mainly
going for shear power only. I know that the Knights are
great for that, but they are also really strong in other
departments, namely board advantage and control. The War
Wagons and Swan Dives are a great start and I’m going to
continue along those lines.
As always we’ll start with your characters.
You choose not to have and 1 drop characters in your
deck and I agree completely with this decision. Sure
Micro-Chip might let you use your Wild Rides again and
Mikado and Mosha can take care of some other teams
annoying 1 drop characters, but in the long run these
spaces can be better filled elsewhere. Oh, and I’m not
even going to say anything about the Punisher at this
level except that 1 drop characters with loyalty are
In the 2 spot you currently have:
4 Blade
2 Shang Chi
The Blades are the perfect fit, (as they are in almost
any MK deck) as they work so well with the War Wagons
for an early boost, then he can hang out and KO guys
later in the game.
Shang Chi on the other hand is getting the axe so hard
it’s gonna make my hands sting. His effect is just so
unreliable I can’t ever see him as someone I would want
to play.
So if Shang Chi is going where does that leave us?
Hannibal King. If you do end up missing your curve or
have an opportunity to recruit 2 characters and can get
him into your concealed area, Hannibal should give you a
good 15 points of burn damage off your opponent.
That leaves us with:
4 Blade
2 Hannibal King
For turn 3 Jason gives us another 2 characters:
4 Daredevil
2 Stick
I know Daredevil can be something of a house on this
turn stunning most other 3 drops with ease and sometimes
an opposing 4. Thing is Daredevil on this turn is going
to screw up what I want to do for turn 5 so something
has got to give.
Stick on the other hand has a useless effect for us, but
at just 1 attack point shy of a pumped Daredevil he
makes a very good beater, and that is the reason he’s
becoming the main man on this turn. Not changing any
characters here, just the count on them.
4 Stick
2 Daredevil
Turn 4 brings us the standard MK line-up again:
4 Moon Knight
2 Luke Cage
I’m about to do the sacrilegious. Moon Knight didn’t
make the cut for team this year. Maybe he can try again
next time try-outs come up. Yes, I know how big he can
be and yes I know he can potentially attack up the curve
but he does not fit into the overall theme I’m going at.
Luke Cage on the other hand has an effect that we
absolutely love. Since we’re going to be KOing guy left
and right why not draw some cards for our effort? RE:
Card drawing = Winning games.
So if we’re chopping off 4 characters we need to fill
those spots with some Punishers. Yes I know he’s of
barely average stats and we’re only going to drop an
equipment onto him outside of the build phase if we’re
trying to be sneaky, but it’s really his second effect
I’m after for this build. Everyone following along? Very
good. Punisher KO’s characters too.
4 Punisher
2 Luke Cage
Turn 5 is something of a pivotal turn for MK because all
of the good characters start repeating here and we are
at risk for losing board advantage if we recruit a
character with a name of one already on our side of the
field. Oh, and since Electra and Iron Fist are both so
bad we are only left with Daredevil and Punisher again.
So since we went easy on the early Daredevil he’s
carrying the torch for us this turn. Punisher is simply
amazing here, I’ll be the first to admit that, but
Daredevil is just so much more reliable. I’m still not
sure if his moving to the hidden area is a good thing or
not but that constant 10 defense sells him for me in
this deck. Punisher won’t be cut all together; he’ll
still be there as a back-up character and a possible
power-up but only at a count of 2.
3 Daredevil
2 Punisher
Turn 6 is a much easier turn to deal with. This is
because the 6 drop Luke Cage stands out as being the
best MK character (and character for every team that
doesn’t have a good 6-drop) to fill this spot.
Spider-Man is decent and has a somewhat decent effect,
but I would only use him if a.) I had nothing else to
play, or b.) I was at a disadvantage and needed some
time to play catch-up.
3 Luke Cage
1 Spider-Man
Can someone please explain what makes the 7 Daredevil
any good at all? Dr. Strange is an amazing guy every
which way. And the fact that he makes a great 8 drop too
is reason enough to dedicate this spot to him alone.
Daredevil has got to go.
2 Dr. Strange
You currently have 2 Ghost Riders rounding out your
character curve. I’ve never been a big fan of playing 2
level 8 characters in a deck especially when your 7 drop
can be played here for an even better effect. However
Ghost Rider does play along well with our theme so let
us keep one copy kicking around.
1 Ghost Rider
Plot Twists for Marvel Knights are all pretty dang good
so what we need to do is weed out the best from the
rest. Let’s start with the obvious….
4 Wild Ride’s are definitely a given. While they may be
costly later in the game paying the price is always
better than missing a character.
Head Shot and Crime and Punishment are both great
choices as they provide great power boosts. Pleasant
Distraction on the other hand isn’t really needed. In
theory you should always be at least one character ahead
of your opponent at all times so defensive cards may not
be the way to go (especially since it can only be
activated during your attack step.)
Swan Dive on the other hand is a card that should do
exceptionally well for us. Therefore I am going to add
an additional Swan Dive to your deck.
Bring the Pain is a card I thought long and hard about.
While the card gives a great attack boost it is also
very costly to your endurance. In the end I decided the
temptation to misuse this card was too great so I cut it
figuring in the end it will be better to save the
endurance for Wild Ride and your characters abilities.
I did come up with a few good Plot Twists to fill in
where we drilled holes. Quick Kill is a is a handy card
that will allow you to net some early board advantage.
And following along those same lines is Judge, Jury, and
Executioner. Now I know this probably will not be used
much, but there may be a time when you don’t have a War
Wagon and really want one….well, this is just about the
next best thing as far as Modern Age format goes.
Also since you never know what kind of deck you’re going
to be going against in this new format we’re going to
add in 2 Psychovilles. These are handy for not only
moving your opponents’ characters around, but for also
pulling out Luke Cage if you get in a pinch.
And the final section to this fix is the equipment.
You currently have:
4 Jet Packs
3 War Wagons
Both are about the best choices you could have picked,
but after the previous cuts we have 2 new spaces open
for more. We are going to add another War Wagon which is
the meat and potatoes of your deck. The final spot is
going to a single copy of Titanium Sword. Believe me
that extra 3 burn damage adds up over time.
So this is the final result:
Characters: 30
4 Blade (2 drop)
2 Hannibal King
4 Stick
2 Daredevil (3 drop)
4 Punisher (4 drop)
2 Luke Cage (4 drop)
3 Daredevil (5 drop)
2 Punisher (5 drop)
3 Luke Cage (6 drop)
1 Spider-Man
2 Dr. Strange
1 Ghost Rider (8 drop)
Plot Twists: 19
4 Wild Ride
4 Crime and Punishment
4 Head Shot
3 Swan Dive
2 Judge, Jury, and Executioner
2 Quick Kill
Locations: 2
2 Psychoville
Equipment: 9
4 War Wagon
4 Jetpack
1 Titanium Sword
We now have a deck that is now only powerful, but also
has a very strong control element built into it. The key
to this deck is to gain board advantage early and not
lose control of it. Remember to try to play your turns
as follows:
Turn 2 – Blade + War Wagon
Turn 3 – Stick
Turn 4 – Punisher + Jetpack
Turn 5 – Daredevil
Turn 6 – Luke Cage
Turn 7 – Dr. Strange
Turn 8 – Ghost Rider
And onto victory.
I think you will enjoy this version Jason, let me know
how it does.
And for the rest of you,
Ciao Babe.