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Sith Dragon
A Tale of Two Games
It was the
best of games. It was the worst of games. This saying
can describe about any game that starts as a fad and
later dies, but in this article I reference it to yugioh
and the Vs. system. Being new to Pojo let me give you a
quick history of my card playing history and a bit about
myself. My first experience in the TCG universe was
yugioh. I caught the anime when it started here in the
U.S. and could not wait for the card game to be
released. Eventually it found its way into the interior
of the U.S. and I was in heaven. I loved the game (still
do). I thought it was loads of fun and early on there
were lots of different things you could do. This also
led to my first tourney exposure.
Now fast forward to today. i still love playing yugioh
online, but in my opinion yugioh is in decline.
Why do I say this? There are two reasons. The first is
that when the newer sets come out there are very few if
any cards that will actually see competitive play. The
creators of the cards are not balancing the effect per
type and sub-type, ignoring whole groups of creatures.
Every good monster is either light or dark (chaos
fodder) or a warrior or zombie. If you look at Regionals
every year, the final 8 decks were all the same save 3-5
cards. (Yes I know Vs. has sentinels and teen titans,
but creative players can find ways to win.) This leads
into point two. The success and future of the game is
being placed in what cards you can’t play instead of
what you can play. This means they have created too many
broken cards that have unbalanced the game. How many
people are going to be sitting on a $50 BLS in a month
and having to mothball it for the rest of eternity
because it has been banished to the forbidden list?!
Now you maybe asking what this has to do with Vs.? Well
its quite simple. The creators of Vs. said one simple
thing when they agonized (agonized being a key word)
over banning overload: They tested their cards and took
pride in NOT having to ban any cards in this game. The
only reason they banned Overload is because too many
other cards would need to be changed when the problem is
easily fixed by banning overload.
Problem solved. I give them mega kudos for this.
They are trying to think ahead and not release obscenely
broken cards that will hurt the game. Now granted you
will always have creative players trying to think up
some way to make a powerful and unorthodox loop of
cards, so they wont always succeed, but they are doing
their best.
This game I think is in very capable hands, and this is
why. At least around here, many of the top Yugioh
duelists have opted out of a one dimensional tournament
atmosphere and started Vs. where almost any team
affiliation is good enough to be played in tourneys. Are
there teams better than others? Of course. That will
happen in every game, but tourneys around here you see a
wide range of decks, and no one is afraid to run the new
teams from the new sets as they come out. I believe
Yugioh will die when the anime disappears, but this game
I think is a game that has true staying power.
I hope I can give you all some interesting reads in the
near future. If you have any ideas or thoughts for
articles you’d like explored, rants, raves, etc., email
me at Sithdragon13@yahoo.com and ill see what I can do.
just make sure you put Pojo in the subject line so i
know its not spam.
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