From: - Christine Gerhardt
Date: August 25th, 2004.
Vs. Pro Circuit Tournament - GenCon Indy
Upper Deck Shows the World What It's All
I have to say, the people at Upper Deck REALLY have
a hella lotta fun, and they did a great job of making it a fun experience for
everyone involved. Even though I was about as nervous as I've ever been, their
penchant for humor eased the butterflies for me. I loved that they don't
take themselves too seriously, and that having a good time is the name of the
game. Alex Charsky proved to be a man of amazing patience and wisdom, even
though I'm sure he bordered on the edge of overload the grand majority of the
time. Jeff Donais was the ultimate MC, from his Canadia humor to passing
on his ultimate wisdom for all of us players, "Don't be a dick." I love
it. I did my best to live up to that (sorry, Chippy...I lub you anyways).
The set up was incredible. UDE went out of
their way to show the world that they are not only committed to this game...they
are committed to the players of the present and the future. As a dealer,
it gives me full confidence in their game and product. As a player, it
should do the same for you, too. Great job, team UDE!! Keep it
On to the tournament...
I was one of only 3 girls to make the Indy Pro
Circuit tournament (yes, the "first one ever"). A bit of a heavy burden to
bear (yeah, Kai, guess the "girl-bye" didn't pan out for you I hear...seems she
got the "Kai-bye). Even though (last I
checked) I have the honor of being the highest ranked female limited
Vs. player in the world, that holds little water with some. That's
fine. I finished 89th overall. Where did you finish, Kai?
=)My main dilemma coming into this was that I
had literally not played a sanctioned Vs. tourney for 4 months, and only 3
casual games during that time. I had NEVER picked up DC at all.
Yeah, that was fun..."May I read your card?" was the question of the day for
me. Knowing that my goal was to make Day Two (going 4-3 would do
it), I decided my best bet was to play Big Brotherhood, an extremely solid deck
that, while offering no surprises for my opponents, did offer me a tried and
true, straightforward choice.
Christine Gerhardt and Dave "Chipmunk" Eckhard (former
Pojo Pokemon Deck Mechanic, and current Score Lead Game Designer)
square off on Day 2 of the Vs. System Pro Circuit at Gen Con 2004.
No playtesting against the metagame...just jump in
feet first that morning. Woohoo! I used the build from the winning deck at
the Wizard World 10K event:
Big Brotherhood
4 Blob, Fred Dukes
4 Magneto, Eric
4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism
4 Mystique, Raven Darkholme
Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin
3 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff
Quicksilver, Speed Demon
4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage
2 Sabretooth, Victor
4 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee
4 Acrobatic Dodge
3 Have a Blast!
1 Relocation
4 Savage Beatdown
4 Avalon Space Station
4 Lost City
Very solid, and I was quite happy with it.
Its only downfall was that it lost badly to a newer deck in the environment,
Teen Titans. If I had known Titans was there in force, I would have thrown
in a few Total Anarchy's to deal with it. I lost solidly to 2 Titan
builds the first day, and my 3rd loss was a mirror that I barely lost 1-2, even
with 2 horrid draws. So an overall 4-3 record accomplished my goal, and on
to Day Two I went. "Thrilled" does not adequately describe how I
Day Two: My other dilemma...I've never
drafted DC. Wow, that really is a bad thing coming into this. Thanks
to Mike and David Frayer, who gave me the skinny on what's what (or as best as
you can in 5 minutes) really was a big help.
On the first draft, I got pushed into League of
Assassins, but the build turned out very solid, and I splashed Teen Titans for
some tricks. 3 team up cards completed it, and the deck was buttah. I beat my first 2 opponents fairly easily. I
was elated, to say the least. Match 3 I ran into Rob Dougherty. My
comment to him was..." were supposed to play your draft deck, not your
constructed one." His Teen Titan build with minimum 3 Go, Titans Go was
unreal. Great drafting on his part, and he beat me mercilessly. Props to
Rob for being such a nice guy while utterly destroying me.
The second draft was another story
completely. My first picks centered around Titans and Gotham
Knights. But I was getting pushed hard out of both by the
end of the first pack, and 1/3 of my draft was all for naught. At that
point, I knew I was in deep crap. I dabbled in League of Assassins again,
while trying to switch to Arkham Inmates, but the pool was poor. Dabbling
Assassins didn't pan out, with Loyalty precluding it. Looking back, I
should have pushed Assassins hard, and splashed for other affiliations. My
lack of DC drafting experience killed me, plain and simple. I lost the
first 2 matches, and won the 3rd because my opponent dropped. He should have
played me. =(.
So that was my first Pro Circuit experience ("the
very first one"). I still came out with a winning record, and I beat out
over 170 other people, so I can't complain. I'm thrilled to have been a part of
history, and if Upper Deck continues to hold great events, I'll continue to be
there whenever possible. Thanks guys!