Marvel VS Card of the Day

Image from
Power Absorption
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 01.19.05
Constructed Average Rating: 3.85
Limited Average Rating: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Rogue - Power
This version of Rogue is what has
single-handedly made the "X-Stall" deck a top
tier PQ Tournament deck. Being able to Xerox
Puppet Master's effect to keep your opponents'
characters exhausted is simply a great thing.
Make some use of Mimic a couple turns later and
you have a very efficient engine at your
Of course that's not even close to all she's
good for. Being able to copy your opponents'
activated effects can come in handy
unexpectedly. Try stealing Terra's power and
using her effect for your own gain for a change.
There's about a hundred other things she can do,
but I'll let you find that out for yourselves.
Just remember it's only activated powers she can
Personally, I'd almost always prefer Mimic over
Rogue just because late game effects can be
somewhat more devastating and he comes around
two turns later. So, if you're making a deck and
your four spot characters seem kinda lacking, go
ahead and toss a Rogue in just for fun. You just
might be surprised how good she turns out.
Constructed Deck - 4.0/5.0 ....Worst case
scenario, she's a 7/7 flyer.
Limited - 4.5/5.0 ....Can't think of many other
character's I'd rather have in my 4 slot.

Johnny Blaze |
Rogue, Power
Absorption – Rogue with Flight that can steal
any target characters activated ability. Rogue
can even target a teammates activated ability.
More than often you will be targeting an
opponents character’s activated ability.
At 7/7 she is slightly above average. There are
plenty of 4 drop X-men to choose from. If you
want might then go with John Proudstar, he is
the biggest drop. But if you are looking for
nice tricks in dealing with your opponents
activated abilities or even to have a double
activate ability on your team, then definitely
go Rogue. But remember that it has to be used at
the start of the combat phase.
Constructed: 3.5/5 – With a ton of activated
abilities being played, Rogue is a solid choice
in any X-men deck. Combine that with her flight
and 7/7 she can stun and cause breakthrough in
many instances. Overall, an above average card
and a nice looking one to boot.
Limited: 4/5 – If you are able to draft her over
some of the other X-men 4 drops definitely use
her. But don’t overlook 4 drop Nightcrawler or 4
drop Storm in draft which are also decent picks.
With Rogues flight and attack of 7 she will most
likely be able to stun on your opponents side.
Bunch |
Rogue, Power
One of the big stories coming out of PC SoCal
was the success of the X-Stall (Going Rogue)
deck, and Rogue is one of the cards that makes
this deck do what it does. Her basic stats are
good, 7/7 with flight, and she doesn't have a
team stamp holding her down. You can copy the
powers of one of your own guys, or steal
something from your opponent to use against
them, giving you plenty of options. However,
it's only good on activated powers, and if
there's none on the field to snatch, then you're
left with a big bag of nothing.
Still, you're obviously going to use Rogue in a
deck with a good amount of activated powers, and
if she gets KO'd, you'll usually want Mimic
ready to come in and take over.
In Limited, she's great in an Origins event,
because you'll usually find a few copies of
Puppet Master, and you can set up your own stall
while you wait to draw your bigger guns. She's a
rare though, so you'll probably only see one.
Definitely first pick material in a draft
Constructed - 4/5
Limited - 3/5