Hey all, and welcome back to the VS Deck Garage! I’m
having a blast playing with the new Web of
Spider-Man cards (Go X-Men! You finally have good 4-
and 5-Drops!), and I hope you are, too. In fact, I
know some of you are, because this week’s
contributor, Brian, submitted his deck based around
abusing the Scarlet Spider.
Brian wrote…
Hi Paul, when I saw the "Scarlet Spider, Ben
Riley" at the pre-release I wanted to make a deck
around getting out lots of SpiderMans and beating my
helpless opponent senseless. The deck has changed
since then because most of the people in my area
play really fast decks either new brotherhood or
sentinel and well it just dosent match up money is
kind of tight notice the 2 savage beatdowns not 4
but I will do my best to get anything you say I just
want to beat somebody bad and rub it in there face
for once.
4 Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly
4 Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
3 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote
1 Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man
1 Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
4 Solo, James Bourne
3 Nova, Richard Rider
4 Black Cat, Master Thief
2 Ezekiel, Spirit of the Spider
2 Firestar, Hot Stuff
3 Human Torch, Friendly Rival
4 Mary Jane Watson, MJ
1 Prodigy, Richie Gilmore
3 Rocket Racer, Robert Farrell
3 Will O' The Wisp, Jackson Arvad
2 Costume Change
3 Going My Way?
3 Midtown High School
3 My Hero
4 Mega Blast
2 Savage Beatdown
2 Have a Blast
The first thing I would recommend for Brian is to
lower the number of characters hanging out in his
deck. Right now, he has a whopping 42 dudes, when
all he really needs is between 30 and 35. Thus, the
first thing I’ll be doing is dropping some of the
dead weight.
Unless you are running Sentinels, then all you
really need is four 1-Drops at most. Doom has Boris,
Gotham Knights have Alfred, and Sentinels have
Longshot. Other than that, many decks don’t even
need 1-Drops at all! I think this statement is true
for Brian’s deck, since neither card really
contributes to the win as much as cards like those
listed above, or even Vulture or Destiny.
-4 Mary Jane Watson, MJ
-3 Rocket Racer, Robert Farrell
I’m not sure I like Solo too much. Yes, he comes
fully equipped with a 4 ATK, but his 1 DEF means he
is a *huge* liability throughout the game. Instead,
why don’t we put in Jessica Drew * Spider-Woman,
Venom Blast? She’ll help pump Black Cat, the other
2-Drop in the deck, and she has evasion, meaning
more likelihood of her hanging around for the
-1 Black Cat, Master Thief
-4 Solo, James Bourne
+3 Jessica Drew * Spider-Woman, Venom Blast
You’ll notice that, as compared to many other decks,
Spider-Friends tend to be slightly small. It isn’t
Doom small, but they don’t compare to the likes of
Fantastic Four and X-Men when it comes to the early
game. However, Web of Spider-Man introduced an
equalizer that prevents these characters from
bullying the Spider-Friends: Prodigy. A 4/4 for 3
isn’t too much to be impressed with, but with
Prodigy on board, many opponents will have to think
twice about swinging into the lower-cost characters
on Brian’s board. The point I am trying to get at
(in a long, drawn-out way) is “play more Prodigy”.
+2 Prodigy, Richie Gilmore
I am definitely in favor of Will O’ the Wisp
continuing his run in Brian’s deck, but I think he
needs a partner for the 4-Drop slot. Checking out
the abundance of characters from Spider-Friends that
cost four resource points, I narrowed it down to
either Puma or Punisher. Puma offers a large body
and an ability to bail on combat if it goes poorly,
while Punisher allows Brian to rid the world of
troublesome characters. In the end, I think Punisher
provides a larger benefit at the cost of his DEF.
+3 Punisher, Vigilante
Next, we hit the 5-Drop slots, which is where we’ll
be trimming a bit of the fat. Spider-Man, Alien
Symbiote fits perfectly with the theme of this deck,
so why don’t we up the count on him to four. Brian
probably doesn’t need eight 5-Drops, so we have to
decide between Firestar, Human Torch, and Daredevil.
Looking at Brian’s original request for deck help, I
saw that The New Brotherhood and Sentinels were
running rampant in his area, making this choice
easy: Firestar. Brian already has these in the deck,
so it is just a matter of releasing the Torch from
his service.
-3 Human Torch, Friendly Rival
+1 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote
A centerpiece to this deck, Scarlet Spider has to
stay, and he really needs to occupy four slots. I’m
not sure any more 6-Drops are necessary. By this
point in the game, Brian will either a) likely have
drawn a second, or b) no longer need his effect.
Either way, it enables him to simply drop Ben Reilly
into play. Anything else is eating space.
-3 Nova, Richard Rider
I’m not sure how I feel about Ezekiel being in
Brian’s deck. At first glance, Ezekiel is a vastly
superior character to the Amazing Spider-Man, as
each time he lands, Brian will likely draw three or
more cards. However, this is a Spider-Man deck built
around abusing the Scarlet Spider, so shouldn’t
Ezekiel take a backseat? In the end, I opted to
leave the 7-Drops as they were, but reluctantly.
Brian: if you don’t seem to be drawing enough
Spider-Men, Ezekiel should be the first to go.
Now we have whittled the character count from 42 to
35, and the characters are of slightly better
quality. Let’s turn our attention to the Plot
Twists, Locations, and (possibly) Equipment.
The first thing I noticed when looking at Brian’s
deck was a severe lack of Spider-Senses! If
Acrobatic Dodge is insanely good, aren’t Senses
better? As far as I’m concerned, every
Spider-Friends deck should run at least three, if
not four, of these.
+4 Spider-Senses
I’m also a huge fan of Nice Try!, which allows
Spider-Friends to cause a lot of havoc against decks
like Teen Titans. Adding Nice Try! will also allow
Brian to power-up and Savage Beatdown and Mega-Blast
his characters as large as he wants, since Overload
won’t be able to touch them.
+3 Nice Try!
I have absolutely no complaint about Savage Beatdown,
but I’m not so sure about Mega Blast. It seems like
Flying Kick is still a better call, if only because
you don’t give away that you have it by the way you
arrange your characters. I’m always amused by seeing
a Sabretooth, Feral Rage on the Support Row when his
controller has initiative. He might as well flip the
card over right then and there.
-4 Mega-Blast
+4 Flying Kick
I’m not so sure that Brian should be playing Going
My Way?, if only on the grounds that I don’t like
playing Danger Room. It doesn’t seem like it
provides enough benefit for the slot it eats up.
-3 Going My Way?
My Hero seems to be another card that just doesn’t
do enough. I can’t think of any card in
Spider-Friends that can stonewall an opponent’s
offense. Most characters who have abilities like
that which My Hero provides are *big*, like Ubu or
Blob. Unfortunately, My Hero doesn’t even stop
Fliers from beating down Brian’s Support Row, so I
think it is best if we cut the card.
-3 My Hero
I wavered for quite a while on this next card, but I
think that, in the end, it is better that it is in
the deck: Twist of Fate. Yes, it is possible to miss
with this card (though with 35 characters, Brian
should hit a lot), but it is really the only
worthwhile tutor that Spider-Friends have. I’m
putting in three, but if something has to get cut,
these are the first.
+3 Twist of Fate
Finally (with regards to Plot Twists, at least), I
think this deck can use one more Have a Blast! It
isn’t for any particularly great reason; it’s just
that good.
+1 Have a Blast!
I don’t think I’m a big fan of Midtown High School,
because if all goes well, Brian shouldn’t be able to
pay any resource points. Some cards, like Optitron,
have great effects for that lost resource point, but
I don’t believe drawing a single card makes enough
-3 Midtown High School
The one locations that the Spider-Friends have that
I do like, though, is easy to get ahold of: the
Daily Bugle. It allows so many goofy combat tricks,
and it can’t hurt being able to flip down a Savage
Beatdown every once in a while.
+4 Daily Bugle
With this last change, let us look at how Brian’s
deck came out…
3 Black Cat, Master Thief
3 Jessica Drew * Spider-Woman, Venom Blast
3 Prodigy, Richie Gilmore
4 Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
3 Punisher, Vigilante
3 Will O’ The Wisp, Jackson Arvad
2 Firestar, Hot Stuff
3 Human Torch, Friendly Rival
3 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote
4 Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly
2 Ezekiel, Spirit of the Spider
1 Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
1 Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man
2 Costume Change
3 Have a Blast!
4 Flying Kick
3 Nice Try!
2 Savage Beatdown
4 Spider-Senses
3 Twist of Fate
4 Daily Bugle
I hope that helps, Brian, and good luck beating down
all of those Brotherhood and Sentinel decks in your
I’ll see y’all next week!