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Speaking... Week 2 of rulings. I found out something - give them an e-mail address and they will write. :) Your response has been overwhelming. No...seriously...it's been overwhelming - you gave me too many questions to answer. Okay, what I'm gonna do is go through and pick a few out and answer them. If your question isn't answered here, you can write me back at PojoVSjudge@hotmail.com or wait for me to get to it. I'll try to work through my inbox eventually there. For now, we're off! Q: In one of the articles you mentioned that there are windows to play plot twists all over the place. I'm wondering if there is a time in the combat phase before the player with initiative enters their attack phase. e.g. if your opponent had initiative, could you play a plot twist to stun 8cc Magneto before he exhausts your team? A: Yes. Timing windows are quite prevalent in this game, especially in the combat steps. Before any attackers have an opportunity to attack, both players have an opportunity to respond. This allows you to make such tactical plays as Gamma Bombing before Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria can attack, retrieving a Plot Twist. Q: I learned to play tcg's through magic. In magic there is a damage on the stack rule. Is this the same in Marvel VS? e.g. could you let damage stack, then play acrobatic dodge so your opponent couldn't pump his guy up? A: No. While there are a whole bunch of timing windows in the game, this is not a place where it exists. While in Magic, the concept of stacking damage makes sense, it really doesn't in Marvel. The concept is true "hand to hand" combat. You can see your opponent coming, and you can prepare with things like Dodging, etc, but when the time for real combat comes, there's no way to do anything about it AFTER Wolverine has slashed you with his Adamantium claws. :) Q: I assume that cards that say for this attack, as well as power ups (discarding a same name card) last only for the one attack, not the entire attack phase. Is this a correct assumption? e.g. if you give wolverine berserker rage flying kick, can he use it multiple times in one attack phase? A: This is correct. Things that specify "for this attack" will not carry over for multiple attacks. Flying kick, though, was a bad example. Flying Kick reads, "While attacking this turn.." This means that any (and all) times this character attacks, it will get +3 ATK. This is different from something like Acrobatic Dodge which reads, "Target defender you control gets +3 ATK and +3 DEF for this attack." Q: i was wondering how do you indicate a spent resource as opposed to an activated location? my first though was that you tap a resource to spend it but then how could you tell the difference between a face up location that has been spent as a resource or one that has been activated for its ability? A: I beleive you are stuck on the same concept that a lot of other players were at one point stuck on (including myself). Guessing you to be a Magic player, you're used to the concept that resources need to do something "physical" to be used, like being tapped. That is not the case in this game. Overall, you're dealing with generally low numbers - often less than 10. At the start of your build step, you gain 1 resource point for every resource to have in play. They are just...there. If you spend them, great. If you don't, no biggie. There is no "mana burn" here, so it's not a problem. Just track how many points you are spending. The extent of the math you have to use for this should have been taught in first grade, so neither player should have a problem with the concept of tracking this in their head. If you feel more comfortable, though, you can use dice or glass beads, but I think you'll find these quite cumbersome. You should, though, have some form of a marker to keep track of initiative. It can be anything. I found a salt shaker works quite nicely. :) Q: With the way initiative goes if I had initiative and my magneto master of magnetism is stunned and I recover him would my opponent be able to recover any of his/hers characters? A: Yes. While the active player chooses which character they recover first, all characters recover simultaneously. Q: I have Destiny on the board and my opponent has Sentinel Mark 1. I exhaust Destiny and target some sentinel on the board, he chains with Mark 1's effect of stunning something 1 or less. Now will Destiny's effect still resolve because her effect is on the chain already, or will her effect not resolve because at the time of resolution she is stunned? A: There is a little Magic mantra you learn as a judge. It's probably the first thing you need to learn, and it applies just as well here: "Removing the source of an effect will not stop that effect from happening." This generally means that once an effect has been set it motion, it will stay in motion regardless of what happens to it's source. So fully answering the question, Destiny's effect will still resolve. Q: At what point
do you exactly reinforce something, before or after
damage or either? A: Before damage. Reinforcing uses the chain of events just like everything else does in this game. It's an effect you can play. If both players pass on the opportunity to play effects prior to damage, then you have lost your opportunity to reinforce. Q: im 99% sure this
will not work based on a previous article you wrote but
i want to be 100% sure could i have jean grey in play on
turn 5 spend the resources into my "resource pool" then
use jean grey's ability sac one of my resources put a
new one in play and spend that for another source point
giving me 6?
Q: If someone plays "Medical Attention" can they
ready the exhausted character during the same recovery
A: Sure. There is a window to play effects prior to the "wrap-up" step in the recovery phase where creatures are generally recovered and readied Q: Power cosmic.....if you use it to take initiative on turn 5....who would get initiative on turn 6? Would the order change or would it stay the same after? A: Step 4 of the recovery step states to pass the initiative clockwise. The game does not keep track of who SHOULD have initiative. It keeps track of who DOES have initiative. If you take the initiative on turn 5, your opponent will get it on turn 6, even if they had it at the beginning of turn 5. Q: Can non-affiliated characters reinforce and team attack for each other? A: To reinforce/team attack. You must have the same affiliation. If you don't have an affiliation, it can't be the same as someone else's. So, no. Q: For mojo and primary directives....if you have stunned characters (non affiliated and sentinals), would you still get the effect for them since you still control them? A: Yes. While all game text on a stunned character is "off", it still knows it's affiliation and it's name. Q: If Banshee attacks the Invisible Woman (Invisible Girl) and she removes Banshee from the attack, will he still exhaust support row characters? My understanding is that Banshee’s ability will go on the chain and still resolve. A: Yes. Banshee's ability is triggered upon attacking and is not a result of the attack, so Invisible Woman's ability can not negate it. Q: If you have a normal character for example Mr. Fantastic, who is equipped with ..well equipment, if later on I play another Mr. Fantastic, will he be equipped by the original equipment, or is that koed along with the original version of Mr. Fantastic? A: Yes. Once you play Equipment, it's as though it is part of that card. When the card it's on leaves play for any reason, the equipment is KOed Q: When I exhaust a character who has an activated power, does that character get to use that activated power? For example, if I use my Robot Sentry to exhaust a Pyro, does Pyro get to inflict his -3 endurance power as I am exhausting him? A: No. You can only exhaust a creature for a single purpose. Now, in THIS example, you could exhaust your Pyro IN RESPONSE to Robot Sentry's ability, dealing 3. This would cause your Pyro to become exhausted, and the Sentry's ability to become moot Q: Also, a slightly different question... if Pyro has an Advanced Hardware attached, when he activates to do a -3 endurance loss, does he get to use the -3 endurance that is on the Advanced Hardware also? In other words, would a Pyro with Advanced Hardware inflict -6 endurance if he activates? A: And this is the case I meant no to. You can tap to deal 3 via Pyro's ability, OR tap to deal 3 via Advanced Hardware's ability, but not both. Q: If a character is exhausted but not stunned, do they prevent attack to the player directly? A: Yes. To attack a player directly, that player must control no non-stunned creatures. Q: If a character is exhausted and is is attacked, does it still deal it's damage as a defending character to the attacking character(s)? (I believe this is true as well.) A: Yes. Q: Since you choose the one stunned character and remove the other characters to the KO'd pile before you ready your characters, can you use the ability of the South American Sentinel Base to pull one of the KO'd army sentinels from the KO'd pile and then ready the S.A.S.B along with the characters? A: No. This is part of the wrap-up portion of the recovery step. Characters recover and cards all ready in the same wrap-up step, but there are no timing windows within the wrap-up step for any effects to happen. Q: When is official tournament play going to begin? A: Sanctioned tournament play has already started. There are a few PCQs this weekend, and I know I am holding TWO in San Diego personally the weekend on May 15th and 16th (cheap plug). Check with your local tournament organizers, or check out http://www.ude.com/op/events/ for Upper Deck's official calendar of major events. Q: When can a character reinforce a defender (any time or during a specific phase)? For example, can a support character reinforce in response to Banshee’s affect of exhausting two support row characters. A: Yes. After Banshee attacks, it's ability stacks. You can use one of the targeted creatures to reinforce the defending creature before it's ability resolves. You can only reinforce a defender after it is in the process of being attacked. Until then, it's not a defender. :) I think that's gonna finish us up for this week. I'll try to be back next Friday with another installment. I can't promise anything with having to run those PCQs, but I'll try. In the meanwhile, if you want more information on those PCQs, please visit www.ShuffleAndCut.com. After writing and posting this article, I realized how difficult the timing windows are to understand. Because of this, I am going to do a second article next week over timing windows - where are they and what do they do. Look into that first part of next week to get all your timing questions answered. If you have any rules questions you want answered, fire them off to PojoVSjudge@hotmail.com and we'll try to get them answered in the next column. Until next time, keep playing!
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