Pojo's Vs.
11.20.04 Upcoming plans by
Upper Deck for Vs. System

"Hey Frank ... watch where you poke that thing!"
A couple of us from
Pojo.com were lucky enough to attend "Media Day" at
Upper Deck's HQ this past Tuesday.
I did my best to take
a lot of notes. Maybe you've seen some of this
on other sites, and maybe I have some new News for
you here as well. This news is in no
particular order. It's in the order it was
presented to us. ;-)
- There are 6 new
Figures (Series 8) on the market now. The
action figures in this series are: Iron
Man, Captain America, Storm, Man Thing, Doc Ock
and Ice Man. Each figure comes with a Vs.
Trading Card. The cards are commons with
variant art. Ex: Iron Man's comes with
"Cover Fire" variant art.
- May 2005 - UDE
will be making Batman Begins (the movie) Trading
Cards. (Not Vs. Cards). But Trading
Card packs will have one Vs. card in each pack
with variant art of existing Batman cards.
- There will be
Batman Begins Vs. Preview Set in Easter of 2005.
Batman related Vs. cards will have Live Action
Movie images on the Vs. Cards.
- There will be
some Vs. tie-ins with the Fantastic 4 Movie as
well, but these details aren't ironed out as of
- There will be
some Vs. tie-ins with the Batman animated series
in 2005 as well.
- Feb. 2005 Marvel
Knights Vs. Expansion in 2005 will feature -
Daredevil, Elektra, Ghost Rider, Blade,
Punisher, Dracula and more. New cards for
X-Men, Fantastic 4, and the Spider-Firends.

- There will be a
Sneak Preview tourney for Marvel Knights
- Marvel Knights
Product info:

14 card booster packs
220 card set (for improved drafts double the #
of common cards)
- May 2005 -
"Green Lantern Corps." Expansion
14 card packs - 220 cards, double the commons
(just like Marvel Knights). Features:
Green Lantern, Anti-matter Universe, Batman,
Teen Titans, Fearsome Five
- Set Rotation is
not known yet. UDE said there probably
will not be any "set rotation" until 2006.
- March 2005 -
Batman (Revised) Starter, containing two 26 card
decks. The cards will not be too powerful.
Cards will feature all new artwork though.
(Variant art & Unique game cards) All Tourney
- June 2005 -
Fantastic Four Starter deck. Same as the
Batman Starter Concept mentioned above
- August 2005 -
Avengers Booster expansion, with Alex Ross
Packaging Art
- November 2005 -
JLA Booster expansion, with Alex Ross Packaging
Art again
- Holiday 2005 -
Marvel & DC tins, similar to 2004's
- The next 5 pro
circuit stops are: L.A.; Amsterdam; NY, Indy &
- There will be NO
MORE 1st Ed. cards starting with Marvel Knights.
They have been deemed unnecessary
- UDE is trying to
improve collation with new sets. New
software is being used at the plant.
- UDE has
discussed giving out Vs. cards at the Batman
movie - No decision from WB yet. There are
also discussions to include Vs. cards in DVD of
Elektra & Blade.
- There was some
talk about a Commish Gordon extended art card
that I didn't quite follow
- The Gen Con
SoCal $10k event will be kind of unique.
Players will have to pick either DC or Marvel
Vs. cards.
Then play the tournament. Finals will be
DC vs Marvel. The winner doubles the prize
pool for those on his side of the fence.

R. Hyrum Savage showing off one of his cool Vs.
in his office. Aside from all these UDE
guys working
an office that more resembles a Dungeon, it
looks like
a fun place to work!