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Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day
(1), Flip
Elendril >>> Your Ranged weapons have +3 ATK this
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: 2.16
Constructed: 3.66
Casual: 3.25
Raid: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.05.06 |
ygofan |
Hello this is ygofan and im back with another review
And today we have Elendril to review a Hero for one
of the most promising
decks in this game so far let's take a look.
Elendril is a Alliance Hunter so right away you can
tell this guy is gonna
be hitting a lot of tables with all the pet's the
Hunter class has Bloodclaw,Fury,Old Bones and all
the good Alliance Ally's
Hunters are a top pick for tournament wins plus
they are great in Lazy Peon and regular Constructed
making them a force to
be reckoned with everywhere you go plus with the
nice a few nice ability's like Multi Shot,Eagle
Eya,Arcane Shot the Hunter's are scary the only
problem is were reviewing
Elendril not the Hunter deck so let's talk about the
Hero and not his army.
Elendril has 28 Health making him 2nd place in
Health amongst Heroes so were
off to a good start but now lets talk about
his ability.
Pay 1 flip Elendril your ranged weapons have plus 3
Atk this turn so right
now were looking good cheap cost decent effect
but the only thing is most people don't use ranged
weapons in Hunter decks
most people use Krol Blade and for good reason
so usually his ability is not important so if you
look at it this way 28
Health and is leader to one of the best classes he
great Hero but if your judging a hero by Health and
ability and I believe
that is the way you should grade Heroes.
Beacuse you got to realize were reviewing the Hero
itself not the Heroes
deck now with that in mind here is my review for
All Formats 2 (beacuse im rating the card not the
deck I give the same
rating to all Formats)
See you soon
Joe |
Hey, I'm Joe, and I'm pretty new to this Card of the
Day thing. Let's see, well, I've played Magic: The
Gathering competitively since Mirrodin Block, a few
other card games here and there, and I got World of
Warcraft at release. I've got a 60 Shaman and 60
Priest, but I don't play anymore because of school.
But the card game looks promising!
Elendril, I love the art, just looking into the
sunrise, ready to track his prey, and he's got an
interesting power. Every turn for 1 resource you get
+3 attack to all your ranged weapons. Too bad there
aren't many ranged weapons, the only one you will
probably use is Ancient Bone Bone, and it's
difficult to attack with Elendril more than once a
turn, it's pretty limited in usefulness. But once
you get that Bow out, he either puts the opponent on
a 5-6 turn clock if they're at full health, or he
starts destroying their allies. Not many allies can
take 5 damage and live, and the ones that can won't
survive long anyway.
If you're playing Elendril, Ancient Bone Bow is a 4
of, and so is the quest Big Game Hunter, you need
that Bow out as fast as possible. As far as hunter
abilities go, you've got a nice finisher with Aimed
Shot if Elendril can't finish the job. I personally
also really like Ravenous Bite, because combat
tricks can and will win you games.
Sealed: 1.50 - You need Ranged weapons to make this
guy work, in sealed that's tough to do.
Constructed: 4.50 - Elendril can rip through your
opponents hero if you build the deck right. He's won
tounraments, and for good reasons. He's good, and
he's got a great array of abilities.
Casual: 4.50 - Casual is a fun format, and my
personal favorite. Elendril has a lot of good cards
for his deck, plus he's fun to play. Imagine it,
you're hunting your opponent from far away, when he
finds out, it's too late!
Raid: 3.00- Not quite sure yet how good elendril
could be in raids. The Horde hunter is probably
better, because he relies less on weapons(Onyxia
likes to destroy them) and can bring his dead pets
back(Onyxia likes making things dead, too). He has
some nice elusive allies though, and with marked for
death can dish out some nice damage with those guys.
Well, that's it, hope you liked my review, I'll be
back for the rest of the week.
Aganej2 |
This is an extremely strong deck, but note its a
deck and not a card. The flip ability is miniscule
just because there arent enough ranged weapons,
matter of fact there is only one: Ancient Bone Bow.
The deck is naturally a rush deck, with maybe a
splash of combo with Devilsaur Leggings. As
individuals heroes go this one is the most popular,
at least looking at theme deck pricing and
constructed tournament reports. His life is fairly
beefy, so he can take a hit for a bit. The theme for
this guy is to more or less be beatdown with minor
tricks like Ravenous Bite. What I notice however is
that the major support cards for this guy, (Fury,
Bone Bow, and such) are rares and not likely to come
up for sealed. So things may get hairy if you stick
to this guy in sealed. Overall nice hero and nice
Sealed: 3/5
Constructed: 4.5/5
Raid: Tough call because a strict beater without
support will die quickly 2.5/5
guy |
Hello all, I’m another new recruit for the World of
Warcraft Card of the Day series. I’ve had a 6 year
history with cards that began with Yu-Gi-Oh on year
2 as a cure for playing poker too much. And I still
love that stupid game. But it’s time to branch out,
and with WOW I never have to worry about being ‘Mana
Screwed’. I’m no authority on this game, yet, but
have triumphed over Onyxia once, and think that
relates to some insight. In any case, always feel
free to correct me if I’m wrong.
So Elendril… The hard part about rating a Hero Card
is that it’s not just the card that needs rating,
but all the support cards the Hero has access to.
Then there’s different builds. I keep hearing that
Elendril is ideal for a weenie swarm/rush build. But
I just don’t see it. Aside from Fury, the other
ferocious allies are horde. Alliance Allys have to
accumulate, before playing Marked for death, and
crushing foes.
Elendril’s effect is cheap to activate, and can
combo with other ranged weapon damage, or allys that
cause ranged damage. So recruit wisely.
What appeals to me is the strength of Elendril’s
draw/searching power though cards such as Arcane
Shot and Eagle Eye. That’s 8 cards (when played in
4’s) that give you another card. And Eagle Eye lets
you choose from 4 you draw. Add four Zapped Giants,
and by round 3, you have raised the odds of drawing
whatever it is you wanted, considerably. At this
point, I’d throw in some protectors and weapons to
reach for with that digging. And there are lots of
weapons available to hunters. Krohl blade and, of
course Ancient Bone Bow are great choices. And if
you can get one, then either Arcnite Reaper or Lord
Alexandar’s Ax will be a happy hitter every round.
Sealed: 2.0 – I haven’t played sealed, yet, but
would think it’s easy to find some weapon Elendril
could use, and enough support to make a go of it.
Constructed: 4.0 – Obviously, this Hero has been in
winning deck builds. But the Horde Hunter does it
Raid: 3.0 – Allies don’t last long with Onyxia. So
Fury is about the only pet worth playing. 5 point
hits are fairly good support, though. Aside from
that, you could probably shoot the dragon three or
four times before she finished off your priest, and
came after the hunter.