Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.14.06
Gift of the Elven Magi
This is a great card for Warlocks, Mages, and
Priests. They don't do much exhausting anyway, so
might as well pay 1 and have a chance to get an
ability! Even if you don't, you have knowledge of
your next card which can be a very good thing. I'd
put a few in any cast decks that have extra spaces.
Sealed: 2.00 - Probably have less abilities, but you
can always look at your next card. I'd save the slot
for something else though probably.
Constructed: 3.50 - If you're playing a Priest,
Mage, or Warlock, this card helps. If not, it's not
so good.
Casual: 3.50 - Same as constructed.
Raid: 3.50 - It helps to get some heals out if
you're a healer, and you need those heals. For
Warlock, Mages, and Shadow Priests, it help you deal
damage and make Onyxia discard; when Onyxia only has
2 copies of every card in an umodified deck, discard
Gift of the Elven Magi
This is an interesting card, because it can give you
a draw and if nothing else help you plan out your
next turn. The classes this weapon is accessible to
are normally fully stocked with abilities so this
card can be quite useful because it would then
become a reliable draw condition. That is where the
advantage ends though, this is really not a weapon,
it's more of an ongoing ability that happens to be
able to deal 1 melee damage. As a weapon it fails
miserably but as an ability this card can really
work if played with experience.
Constructed: 3.5/5 (if the weapon side of it were
better, so would this rating)
Sealed: 3/5 (card draw is good, but chances are you
wont pick up an ability that will get you to win)
Raid: 3.5/5 (to draw an ability to hinder or kill
ony is pretty useful)
Today's card we're gonna look at is called Gift of
the Elven Magi. It's a Rare Weapon, and a Dagger.
It's also a Melee weapon, limiting it's playability
in decks with close combat weapons. Bringing out the
weapon itself will cost 1 resourse, with an attack
'power' of 1, and a strike cost of 4. However, the
effect itself is what makes this card shine a bit
more above the rest. Firstly, having to pay 2
resources, exhausting the weapon, and your hero as
well, you would be able to look at the top card of
your deck and if it's an ability card, reveal it and
place it into your hand. This card would probably go
great in a Paladin deck I recently saw in play, with
an "I Stand Alone" theme, where the player kept on
drawing ability after ability. But I digress. This
dagger could be useful, but Im thinking in a Druid
Hero deck, where you're able to ready the Hero time
and time again
Construced: 3/5
Limited: 2/5
Raid: None yet
Cost of 1, I like. But a swing cost of 4 to deal 1
point of damage? You gotta be kidding me. What does
that say about the fantasy world of this game? Is
this some super heavy dagger? Or do we pretend the
extra swing cost is due to the blade’s magic ability
focusing power, detracting from the hero’s ability
to fight? You decide. I’m going on to the effect.
An effect cost of 2 is cheap for a draw, but
exhausting your hero is only cheap for some of the
classes. You don’t see many Mages, Priests, or
Warlocks exhausted for other reasons. But Shaman and
Druid players wind up with exhausted heroes, through
swinging or protecting, and won’t be able to make
use of the draw. I guess either Shaman or Druids
could use of the weapon, for its draw power, early
game, then poke at the opponent if they had to. But
it fits better with Mages, Priests and Warlocks –
and at that, I’d say Mooncloth Robe is a better
choice for those three classes.
I also notice there is no ‘flavor text’ on this
card, and am suggesting one of the following;
“When did the elves start forging with lead?”
“You carried that to battle? You must be stronger
than I thought.”
Draft: 3.0 – You’ll be lucky if you pull this and
draft a class that can use this. But if you do, the
draw power will help.
Constructed: 3.5 – Great for all, early game. It is
versatile late game. Mid game…it makes a nice
Raid: 2.5 – As always, if you can keep it out,
against the dragon, great! A mage or priest equipped
with this will certainly be more effective. But that
damn dragon exhausts our heroes so often, even if
the weapon is on the field, your hero might already
be exhausted.