Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.18.06
This card is class on wheels. It does a lot in
spades. The price tag on this card will tell you
that, I remember seeing it somewhere at 2 bucks.
It's a common by the way. It's a 3/3 for 2, which is
decent, not the best but still decent. It has
protector, a good ability for alliance cards but
still getting warmer. "Draw a card," jack pot. This
card is a 3 in 1, pure card advantage. Fits nicely
on a mana curve, turn 3 this card comes out and you
draw a card, get a protector and a 2/2. Can anyone
who's playing alliance complain about that?
Constructed: 5/5 (can fit in any alliance deck and
will stand alone)
Sealed: 4.5/5 (not a card that can sway you to play
alliance, it's not a finisher)
Raid: 5/5 (it can shield an ony blow, which is great
and still draw the card)
looks like it’s protector week. And there’s no
better choice to start off with than Parvink.
Parvink is one of my favorite cards in the game. The
artistry is rather clever in expressing the depth of
cuteness that only gnomes can reach, while still
conveying a sense of combat, as a Tauren’s legs are
lopped off.
As a protector, Parvink is standard fare. Protectors
are stronger if they are elusive, or have some other
effect that guarantees field presence when you want
it. The 3 point summoning cost is a little high for
her 2/2 stats, too. But the draw power more than
balances out the shortfall.
I’ve been playing horde characters fairly
exclusively since starting WOW. However, every
Alliance idea that skitters through my head includes
four copies of this purple pigmy protector.
Draft: 4.0 – Protect and draw. Never a bad time for
this, unless about to deck out.
Constructed: 4.5 - Build the right deck, and she’ll
add speed and stability.
Raid: 3.0 – Still a balanced card, but protectors
don’t last long against the dragon. She’s still good
for the draw power, though.
Hello everyone this is Ruichi and today we have
This ally cost 3 resoures has 2 attack and 2 life...
this card
is also the BEST card and is a STAPLE in every
alliance deck.
Why so you ask well ill tell you. Parvink is a
protector and it
lets you draw another card. That extra card can land
you just
what you need...maybe another Parvink
Well, Parvink is a nice little card that packages
together a 2/2 for 3, protector, and card draw. I
use them in my alliance decks. Card draw is great,
and if you get a protector from it too, more power
to you!
Sealed: 4.00 - A decent ally and card draw? Nice!
Constructed: 4.00 - Great card overall, sees lots of
Casual: 4.00 - Great Card all around.
Raid: 3.50 - Allies do not last long against the
dragon, but card draw gets you those nice abilities.
Welcome everyone to a new week of card reviews, here
at Pojo's Warcraft section. Hopefully everyone had a
good weekend, got their shopping done, and to all my
college readers, hope you guys did well on your
finals, or good luck if you still got them left.
Today's card is Parink, the Alliance Gnome Warrior
(Ally). This common Ally can be brought out by
exhausting 3 resources, and has 2 Health and 2
Attack, with excellent defensive capabilities. As
soon as she comes enters play, you're allowed to
draw 1 card, and on top of that, she has Protector
ability, allowing her to step in and take the damage
from a battle that your other ally would have taken.