Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.26.06
This is a most
efficent tool for the hunter decks, a one costed
ally that is a 3/1. It is a pet however which causes
a minor problem in the sense that only one pet can
be in play. No Fury and no other Bloodclaw. This
does help in the sense that just after an opponent
knocks off the first Bloodclaw dies the next
Bloodclaw will appear, much to the opponent's dread.
constructed: 4/5 (no reason not to run a few in a
hunter deck)
sealed: 4/5 (always a good soldier for the deck)
raid: 2.5/5 (this guy will not last long against the
big dragon, not long enough to punch hard)