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Card of the Day
3, Flip Ta'zo>>Ta'zo
deals 3 fire damage to target hero or ally. Use only
on your turn.
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: 2
Constructed: 3.87
Casual: 3
Raid: -
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.09.06 |
YJ |
3 and Flip Ta'zo to deal 3 fire damage to anyone you
like, isn't too bad. This guy actually does get nuts
tho with World in Flames and the other fire
abilities. Definately painful when you save his
ability late game for World in Flames. You'll be
dealing 6 then instead of 3. I personally have a
fire mage deck I've been working on, the amount of
damage it can dish out is nuts. I think he, because
of the abilities he allows you to use is probably
one of the better heroes out there.
4/5 |
Level 60
Garona |
Alright , sorry that i missed yesterday's COTD had
something to do , anyway on the subject.
Tazo's flip effect isn't too shabby a 3 damage for 3
ressources may be usefull when you have nothing else
to play.
beign a fire mage it allows him to play Pyroblast
which is a nice card.
Ta'zo decks are usually made for burn damage and are
quite eficient at it.
Ta'zo has in my opinions one of the best flip of the
game and is able to use pyroblast.
I give him a 3.5/5
Speez |
Welcome back to hero week. Today we look at Ta’zo,
the fire mage. Being a fire mage, he’s the only hero
so far that can use Pyroblast, so check our reviews
last week on our opinions on that card is.
Ta’zo health is the lowest so far in the game, with
25. If you take a few good hits, you are going to be
hurting. And being a mage, Ta’zo armor usually
doesn’t have any defense on it, so you can’t block
any damage with armor.
But the strength of the mage is controlling your
opponent’s allies. Frost bolt, winter grasp, and
frost nova stop attackers dead in their tracks.
Polymorph takes an annoying ally practically out of
the game. Fireball, Pyroblast and Flamestrike can
deal out a good amount of damage that will kill of
weaker allies. What the mage lacks in hp is made up
in his ability cards to help protect him.
His flip ability is average. Pay 3 to deal three
fire damage and it can only be used during your
turn. It can be used to kill an annoying ally or
finish off a low health hero. The fact it can only
be used during your turn hurts it’s flexibility that
it could have had.
Overall, I give the bit T a 4/5.
DanHibiki |
Welcome to the second card of hero week, the Demo
Deck enemy of yesterday's card - the horde Mage
Hero - Horde Troll Mage
Talent - Fire
Proffesions - Enchanting, Tailoring
Health - 25
(3, flip) -> Ta'zo deals 3 fire damage to target
hero or ally. Use only on your turn
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Ta'zo is
really, the exact opposite of yesterday's card
Warrax - Ta'zo is quite obviously a very aggressive
character who should be using fast magic to deal as
much damage as possible, so quickly that your
opponent doesn't even get the time to yell at you,
on top of the fast and furious fire abilities mages
also have access to frost stalling abilities - these
more than compensate for the lack of health making
both of the mages very playable in constructed
In sealed and draft, Ta'zo suffers from not having
the benefit of a lockdown deck to keep him alive,
making that low health stat a serious weakness - the
lower number of protectors in this format makes the
frail traits of Ta'zo an easier win for your
Simply put, While both mages are very powerful in
constructed play, Ta'zo falls into the sub-par
category of heroes when playing in a sealed or draft
Constructed - Mages know how to lock you down AND
hit you for lots of damage in this format, do you
really need more? - 4/5
Sealed - Even
if you get a Pyroblast, you might not live long
enough to use it well - 2/5
Draft - Very
similar to above, but you have a nicer sized
cardpool to keep your troll alive - 3/5
-careful kids, don't play with fire - 2/5
I'm DanHibiki, and Saikyo on
browningb |
Ta'zo can be a very dangerous card. I'm just going
to assume that it be used as a primarily fire base
deck here.
His ability is ok, I mean three damage isn't alot in
the scheme of things but if used in the right spot
it could be a killer. I see it mostly being used to
with pesky allies that have sick abilities and/or
have ellusive.
The cards that can be used in a Ta'zo deck are
really made to just pummel the crap out of your
apponents hero. With a bunch of allies that have
ferocity, and most of your abilities doing tons of
damage and sometimes having ongoing damage, if this
game goes on too long I don't see how a Ta'zo deck
could lose.
Equipment-wise, I don't see any Ta'zo decks using
many of the options they give you. Some of the
abilities they give you such as Eye of flame can be
useful, but I dont feel that any of them are going
to make or break a game.
I'll give Ta'zo's flip ability a 3 because I like
the idea of being able to take care of annoying
But I'm only going to give Ta'zo an overall 2.5, I
feel like there are too many decks out there that
can counter the Mage mentality, and the fact that
they are basically stuck to having one strategy -
tons of damage - and that just won't work too well
in such a complex game.