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Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day
(3), Flip Thangal
>>> Ready Thangal. Use only while he's in bear form.
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: -
Constructed: 3.85
Casual: -
Raid: -
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.10.06 |
YJ |
So you pay 3 and flip him and you get to ready him,
but you can only use it while he is in bear form...
I actually like bear form a lot. It has some great
cards and druids overall seem very solid. You could
get a giant turn in with this guy with Predatory
Strikes and Feral Rage gives you a great boost for
drawing cards. So in one turn you potentially will
be able to draw 2 cards thanks to this ability as
well as deal double your normal damage. Not too
Level 60
Garona |
Thangal , the feral druid standing on his 28 health
thangal can take quite some hits.
Beign a feral druid allows him to play Predatory
strike which increases ATK by two while in bear or
cat form.This definately isn't bad.
Now on to the flip effect it reads this way (3) flip
thangal ----> Ready thangal , use only while hes in
bear form.What does this do ? it gives him another
attack for the turn i don't really know what else to
say .
Speez |
our finally card of the week is Thangal, a horde
feral druid.
Thangal has a respectable 28 hp. Being a druid he
can equip some armor that may have some defense, so
he can at least absorb a few damage a turn if
equipped (The druid ability Natural Defenses gives
all your armor +1 defense.).
The beauty of a druid deck (as well in the computer
game) is its ability to be the jack of all trades.
They can heal, they can attack and they can cast
spells. Just like the computer game though, it may
be a good idea to focus on just one aspect though.
If you throw every druid ability in your deck, you
deck will be huge and you’ll draw healing cards when
you want to attack, and damage ability when you want
some heals. So try to stick with one area and maybe
just throw in a few cards from the other two areas
when making a deck.
Thangal flip power is actually pretty good. Pay 3 to
ready Thangal. If you are in bear form and equipped
with Devilsaur leggings, you can wreak havoc on your
opponent’s allies. Or maybe deal that last bit of
damage to your opponent for the game.
I give him a 4/5. What can I say, they made every
hero pretty good, but not amazingly good over each
DanHibiki |
Hero - Horde Tauren Druid
Talent - Feral
Proffesions - Enchanting, Engineering
Health - 28
(3, flip) -> Ready Thangal. Use only while he's in
bear form
The druid in the TCG would have to be the single
most seperated decks based on the talent spec of the
hero - The inability to use Bear Form (or any other
forms) and non-feral abilities at the same time
results in a problematic incombatability between the
two heroes. For Aggresive play, the feral druid is
the obvious choice, and thangal does a good job of
it, allowing him to attack a second time while in
bear form, or even use a protector ability to save
an ally - although feral druids require several
cards to work very well, when you get those several
cards the damage never seems to stop.
for sealed play, Thangal is one of the most useless
heroes available unless you happen to pull multiple
abilities to transform to bear form, and some form
of attack boosting so that you won't have to break
your bear form state
- the odds of getting the cards to make thangal work
in sealed are against you, so don't count on it
Draft play, on the other hand, will often allow you
to pick up several feral abilities, including
multiple transformation cards - if you can add some
attack boosting items into the mix, then you will
have an incredibly solid deck for play (although,
even without attack boosting items, Thangal can act
as a very efficient tank)
Provided you have a large enough card pool for
thangal, he can be a beastly hero to go up against
... pardon the pun
Constructed - There's a bear in there.... - 4.5/5
Sealed - Good Luck... - 1/5 Draft - If you manage to
get a decent pool for him, THEN use him - 2.5/5
Artwork - Are those Trees that are being bent? -
I'm DanHibiki, and Saikyo on