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Card of the Day
Timmo Shadestep
(5), Flip Timmo
Shadestep >>> Destroy target exhausted ally. Use
only on your turn.
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: 2.5
Constructed: 4
Casual: 3.5
Raid: -
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.17.06 |
Uratoh |
Timmo Shadestep:
Gotta love the 'hide in half a shadow' comment on
this little guy. Timmo plays somewhat similar to a
Mage hero, but he needs more weapons, and his
abilities benefit having more allies with specific
abilities around. No hero has a 'bad' health total,
though being restricted to lighter armor means he'll
take more damage, if you let your opponent at you.
Rogue cards are geared twords combos, both normal
CCG type such as exuasing an ally with Gouge then
using Coup de Grace, to removing previously spent
combo cards to fuel Finishing Moves.
Timmo's Hero Power is identical to the Coup de Grace
Rogue card, but it costs 3 more and doesn't use up a
card. It essentially means you always have another (albiet
expensive) copy of the card on hand until you use
it, and considering how often things end up
exhausted, you'll never be hurting for choices.
Timmo's Talent ability is Cold Blood, which
basically changes a weak strike into an instant
kill. It's not specific to combat damage, either, so
combining it with Sinister Strike can destroy any
ally for 3, one less than a card that just says,
'destroy target ally', though it is vulnerable to
damage prevention effects.
Constructed: 4/5
Timmo can be quite the little nuisance if you get a
good combination of allies and abilities together,
and tends to go for the throat of the enemy hero,
and keep him second-guessing.
Sealed: 2.5/5
Timmo's ability is quite good here, being as
mentioned he basically brings a copy of Coup de
Grace with him, and it ensures that whatever big
ally your opponent got will only get to bash your
head in once. He does suffer from a lack of comboing,
due to the limited card pool.
Draft: 3.5/5
Timmo always wants to combo, and for that he needs a
lot of his ability cards...you're more likely to get
them in Draft than Sealed, which improves his
usefulness. Make absolutely sure to grab him a
couple weapons, but at least you'll only be
competing for them with other rogues and desperate