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Pojo's World of Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day

Haruka Skycaller


Card Number - TDP-14

Card Rating:

Sealed: 3.00
Constructed: 2.75
Casual: 3.00
Raid: 1.67

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 04.10.0


aka Warchief Thrall

Haruka Skycaller

Healt: 28


2, Flip Haruka Skycaller http://www.wowtcgdb.com/images/icon-arrow.gifReady target Melee weapon.


Another Hero enters the scene, but this one will be leaving us as quickly as it came.

Compare it to Grennan of last set, this guy simply doesn’t cut it.


As I have unfortunately at other cards, it isn’t bad but there are better options.


Sealed: 3/5


Casual: 3/5

Raid: 1/5

See you on the Battlefield

Warchief Thrall

Sovelin Haruka Skycaller
Horde Orc Hero
Shaman - Enhancement
Health: 28
2, Flip Haruka Skycaller -> Ready target Melee weapon.

Today we are reviewing one of the better heroes from the

set. He's an orc, like yesterday's hero, but he actually benefits from Warmaster Hork, as well as the Hidden Heroe's quest card. His flip effect is also actually usable. His talent spec let's him use Stormstrike, a very good card for his deck build. If you happen to run Windfury weapon in a solo Shaman deck, you can attack 4 times in one turn (attack, windfury weapon, flip effect, stormstrike). If you also run Rak, you can attack several times a turn, providing you have the resources. The biggest drawback of Haruka is that he doesn't get to use Mana Tide Totem, but if you run him solo (maybe running Rak and Hork as your only allies), you really wouldn't get much use out of the Totem anyway. Shock and Sooth also gives him Grennan's ability, and at a lower cost.

Sealed: 5/5 (The use of Windfury Weapon, which I got during the sneak peak and totally dominated with, and stormstrike make him devastating in this format.)

Constructed: 4.5/5 (He's definitely one of the better heroes from the new set. A solo deck build around him can be devastating.)

Casual: 4.5/5

Raid: 3/5 (Onyxia will probably destroy his equipment before he get's too much use out of it. But he can still pull off some decent attacks.)

Lazy Peon: 3.5/5 (An excellent hero choice, but the lack of Windfury weapon and Stromstrike hurt him.)
Red Comet Haruka Skycaller

Another Hero Today and one that really doesn't make Shamans any better. For a cost 2 she does what other allies do for 1 and she's limited to Melee weapons. If you're running shamans there are better choices ( okay there's only one choice but he's still a better Hero)

Sealed: 1/5


Casual: 2/5




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