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3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 04.13.07
Outrider Zarg
A card for the poor man’s 4-drop
rush slot! And frankly I think this
guy is on par with Thunderhead
Hippogryph too. The difference
between 2 and 3 health is whether or
not a 1-drop can kill it, and by the
rush turn 4 I don’t think that’s
really relevant. And he does an
extra damage. His detrimental power
is moot as the only reason he
wouldn’t be doing damage is if they
have enough armour to block him or
he gets Frost Novad. And you
wouldn’t summon him if the opponent
had enough armour ready to block.
Constructed 3.5/5
Casual 3.5/5
Sealed 3.5/5
Onyxia 4/5 4 points of damage
aka Warchief Thrall
Outrider Zarg
Cost: 4
Attack: 4
Health: 2
At the end of your turn, if Outrider Zarg dealt no
damage this turn, destroy him.
And another ally that could see some play, but I
don’t expect it to enter tournament winning decks.
The stats of this card aren’t great, but in a rush
deck he could be useful.
So, if you’re building a rush deck, try this card,
but don’t expect miracles of it.
Sealed: 3/5
Constructed: 2/5
Casual: 4/5
Raid: 1/5
See you on the Battlefield
Warchief Thrall
Outrider Zarg
Cost 4
Ally – Orc Hunter
At the end of your
turn, if Outrider Zarg dealt no damage this turn,
destroy him.
When I pulled this guy in
the pre-release I was like wow they replaced
thunderhead hyp in the 4 cost slot in the hunter
deck. That’s all I was thinking when I saw him and
it was sad moment. I like thunderhead and I think
it’s sad when a common in the next set replaces a
rare in the previous.
Ok now maybe not everyone
is going to be trading in their thunderheads for
Zarg but It’s not a bad deal. It all depends on what
you’re trying to accomplish. If you are running a
mad rush deck and you have total disregard for your
allies well being then Zarg is your man. If you’re
looking to play a more tactical game and maybe you
want your ally to not have a death wish then
thunderheads for you. I find he works nicely with
cull the weak. Hit with him and if he is ever unable
to attack sack him. There are a lot of ways he can
be used if he is rendered unable to attack; you have
till the end of the turn to figure out what to do...
Sealed (4): Not enough to
stop him but if he is stopped he drops and there are
a couple different things that mess with him in
Constructed (4): Not as
reliable as thunderhead but also more powerful with
heroes with 31 hp now maybe 1 point will win or lose
you a game.
Casual (3): To aggressive
for this format your friend swill just get pissed
off when you drop one of these on 4th and
5th turn.
Onyxia (3): Paying 4 for 4
damage is ok I guess but there are stronger allies
you should be looking to use.
Lazy Peon (5): Due to the
fact that thunderhead is a rare this little guy fits
nicely into the 4 drop slot of the hunter rush deck.
He is aggressive and strong all you could ask for in
a fierce ally.
Outrider Zarg
Horde Orc Ally
Cost: 4
At the end of your turn, if Outrider Zarg dealt no
damage this turn, destroy him.
We are concluding Orc Week with Outrider Zarg. He is
a cheaper, poorer version of Moko-Hunts-At-Dawn. His
stats are decent, but he does have ferocity. If your
opponent doesn't have any protectors out, that is a
decent 4 damage to the face. His low health and his
ability are his weakness. If he does not do damage,
he is destroyed. If your opponent has the Deflector,
Zarg is no good. Several people won't like Zarg
because of his low health and/or the fact that he is
destroyed if he doesn't do damage, but a lot of
those same people see nothing wrong with Vesh'ral.
Vesh'ral costs 1 less, and is -1/-1 compared to Zarg.
One AoE effect, or Frost Nova, and he's dead as
well. Zarg isn't too bad.
He is a decent replacement for Vesh'ral, but I still
prefer Hippogryph.
Hippogryph has one less attack, but the one more
health helps him survive a little longer (against
parvinks especially). Hippogryph also has ferocity,
and does not die if it doesn't deal damage.
Sealed: 4.5/5 (The lack of protectors and armor make
him an excellent
Constructed: 2/5 (Low stats and self-destruct
ability hurt him.)
Casual: 2.5/5
Raid: 5/5 (Chances are he'll get a couple good
swings at Onyxia before he goes. More than enough to
warrant having 2 copies of him.)
Lazy Peon: 4/5 (Nice replacement for Thunderhead.)
Red Comet
Outrider Zarg
4 cost 4 attack and 2 health with ferocity ? Oh and
he dies if you don't deal damage, super . . .
I'm sure some decks will make use of him but really
they shouldn't. Thunder Head Hippogryph is a better
choice if you want ferocity that badly.
Sealed: 3/5
He's okay in sealed but only because attacking is