Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 04.02.07
High Overlord Saurfang
Time to dig into some of the awesomeness coming out
of TDP...and this guy really is awesome! With a huge
9 attack and protector, you'd think this guy would
be great value for an 8-drop. The 4 health is a bit
of a let-down but only fair for something with 9
attack. A Moko could take him down...except for his
other power that destroys any ally that enters
combat with him. He doesn't take damage from allies.
The only way to take him down is with burn spells.
This makes him ultra-dangerous as he eats up little
allies or smashes at the face, and he also takes
down other epics with ease, which I think is one of
Saurfang's major pluses.
Some may argue that Thrall is better with his 8
health and 3/3 pump but Saurfang is a one-man army
that can either shut down an opponent's allies or
start a damage race that the Overlord will
inevitably win.
Constructed 5/5
Sealed 5/5
Casual 5/5
Raid 5/5
Red Comet
High Overlord
Well let's
get down to it . . . this card is Dark Portals
Leeroy Jenkins. Not so much in Playability(
Leeroy's got nothing on this bad boy) but rather
you'll be paying out the wazoo to get one( first
use of Wazoo in a WoW COTD review by the way).
Not that he isn't going to be worth it Surfang
kills EVERYTHING and he's a protector. His cost
is a bit high but I doubt anyone is going to
complain much with that effect.
Card Rating:
Sealed: 3/5
He's not
bad in Sealed since games can run a bit longer.
Besides if you pass this guy up odds are
somebody will make you regret it.
Constructed: 4/5
requires some thought before using him in a deck
but, most horde builds will gladly make use of
Casual: 5/5
The same
reasons as Constructed apply here but casual
games can go on forever.
Raid: 2/5
Good luck keeping him going with 4 health
against Onyxia.
High Overlord
Horde Unique Ally
Cost: 8
When an ally enters combat with High Overlord
Saurfang, destroy that ally.
Welcome to TDP epic week! Today we are looking at an
instant favorite of mine, High Overlord Saurfang.
Don't let his low health fool you, he's more
difficult to kill than you think. His effect takes
place before any damage calculation. In other words,
when someone attacks him, that ally dies before it
deals damage. With his protector status, your
opponent is gonna hold off on attacking for a few
turns. He is excellent in control builds, and his 9
attak is something to fear. If you happen to be
running horde control, this card is a definite game
ender. Have him attack for nine, then cull of the
weak for 18 total damage in one turn!
He does have a pretty high cost, but TDP makes him
significantly easier to summon. Quests like the
divino-matic rod, and allies like Branu Wildbloom
ensure you get him out a few turns earlier. If you
went second, complete divino-matic rod turn 4, then
play a resource from your hand. Turn 5, summon Branu,
and by turn 6 you already have 8 quests out. Not
only will he help you clear the board, but he'll win
the game for you.
Sealed: 5/5 (If you pull him, run him. It's pretty
much gg.)
Constructed: 3.8/5 (He is really nice, but there is
so much ally hate this set. On top of vanquish and
cards like lightning bolt, you now have cards like
Doomguard, Boneshanks, Shred Soul, and Shadowburn.)
Casual: 4.5/5 (Your friend will stop being your
Raid: 2/5 (Onyxia will eat him alive. His effect
obviously doesn't work on her, and stage 2 she has
long range. Unless you can Kaal him, or there is a
warlock with cull in the raiding party, he'll be the
first thing she kills.)
aka Warchief Thrall
High Overlord Saurfang
Cost: 8
Attack: 9
Health: 4
When an ally enters combat with High Overlord
Saurfang, destroy that ally.
Hello to the
first card review of this week, and it is a Epic
The High Overlord
is a nice addition to the Horde army, 8 resources is
much, but you get a big protector.
I personally
wouldn’t use this guy, there are better protectors
out there, but it isn’t a bad card so feel free to
try it, I might even do so.