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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 08.29.07
Swift Boots
Armour needs
to do something other than be armour.
Deathdealer pumps your weapons. Stronghold
Gauntlets protect your weapons. These Boots do
nothing except be armour. They just happen to be
untargetable. I know there's some card that gets
a bonus if you have lots of armour, but I don't
think it will see play. Situational cards like
that generally aren't too good unless they
benefit from an already prevalent force (eg
Defias from summoning lots of dudes). There are
decks that use some armour, but I don't see them
including this.
Sealed 2.5/5
Casual 2/5
aka Warchief Thrall
Sky-Hunter Swift Boots
Class: Hunter, Shaman
Cost: 3
Defense: 2
This maybe one of the best armors in this set,
paying 3 for a 2 defense armor that is almost
impossible to destroy is a very good thing.
It will definitely appear in some of the Hunter and
Shaman decks, but Armor is mostly seen in Solo
decks, so then Hunter seems the best option.
Combine it with the Lightning Reflexes some Hunters
have, and maybe a Hootie, and let the Hunt begin.
Ummm.... yeah. 3 cost/ 2 Def boots isn't
too bad, I suppose. Them being Untargetable seems
kinda dumb to me. You can find better armors than
this, I think.
Sealed: 3/5 In sealed, it can find its uses. Armor
can be quite helpful.
Casual: 2/5 not particularly usefull, and not
particularly fun, either.
Raid: 1/5 There is far better gear that you can
find to throw into your deck for raids.
This is pretty simple armor.
3-drop that defends 2 for hunters and shamans
only. But it is also untargetable. That makes
it great. It can’t be blown up except for
effects that don’t target. There are very few
armor destroying effects that don’t target in
this game. So play this and you’re likely to
always have that 2 defense ready for the entire