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Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.14.07
aka Warchief Thrall
of the Legion
Cost: 4
Attack: 2
Strike Cost: 1
Your other Axes have +2 ATK.
Your hero has dual wield. (Can have a second
one-handed Melee weapon instead of an Off-Hand
equipment. Can strike with a second Melee weapon
during the same combat.)
This Axe is a swinging death, at least if you
combine it with another Axe.
Take up another Axe of the Legion and you can pay 2
to swing for 8, nice indeed.
Your hero has dual wield. (Can have a second
one-handed Melee weapon instead of an Off-Hand
equipment. Can strike with a second Melee weapon
during the same combat).
I think I've mentioned it before,
but I love these new weapons that grant dual wield.
If you are using two of the Axe of the Legion, you
are getting two 4 ATK weapons with 1 strike cost
each. Very nice.
Sealed: 2/5 Not likely to get more than one axe,
making this card not worth the value.
Constructed: 4/5 Pretty good, especially if you are
playing more than one of it.
Casual: 4/5 Not really special here, but just as
good as in constructed.
Raid: 3/5 Fury warriors in Raids! YAY for damage!!!
4 cost -2 attack -1 to strike - axe
with 2 powers that don’t help this weapon by
themselves. They give your hero powers that only
work if you have other weapons. +2 to other axes and
dual wield. Ok. So if you play 1 on turn 4, then
play another on turn 5, you can swing with 1 on turn
5 for 4 damage, and then swing with both on turn 6
for 8 damage. Not bad.