Twig of the World
Sealed/Draft: 5
out of 5
Constructed: 4 out
of 5
Let me begin by
first saying that this is my favorite
weapon from the
entire game. I personally play the
Twig in my Druid
deck, and I’ve never looked back.
This is a great
weapon, with great stats, for a great
cost. There are
not many weapons out there right now
which allow you to
consistently hit for 4 damage,
especially when
you can do it for nearly nothing. The
trick with the
Twig though is you need to know when to
use it. The best
use for it is on the defense. Let’s
say you are tapped
out, and your druid and weapon are
untapped. When
your opponent goes to smack you with a
creature you can
retaliate with the Twig by
sacrificing a
resource. This card is definitely a card
with a lot of
tricks behind it, but you need to plan
accordingly. Never
use this card “willy nilly”,
because you can
easily find yourself at two resources
or less late game
(trust me, I’ve done it before).