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3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.09.07
Tristan Rapidstrike
Tristan is a 3/3 for 4 with protector. That's
nothing amazing, I mean there are better protectors
out there...and then you notice something...Tristan
is an Instant Ally! The name Rapidstrike comes from
the fact that he can come out anytime he wants. If
the opponent isn't expecting it that can really
change a game. If you attack with everyone and don't
leave a protector out, the opponent will think he's
got a straight shot for your weakest guy, and then
Tristan hops out of the bushed and messes with their
plans! A great card, especially for tricky decks.
The only card in the format right now that can be
instantly cast, and it has protector. This card
provides the ultimate sneak defense and if an
alliance deck can manage it in mana curve I would
suggest it if the are in need of a heavy protector
that can get the job down. By that I mean whatever
was attacking you, will die because it met up with
this. Fury is usually the #1 target for this guy and
takes great pleasure in taking them out. It does
cost a lot though to abuse, 4 mana at all times is a
lot and during late game that might be accessible
but during the early/middle game less so. So this
card is left at iffy at best.
Sealed: 3/5 (a creature's a creature' a creature,
and this is an instant one)
Constructed: 3.5/5 (must be put to good use and in a
decent curve)
Raid: 3/5 (lures out a dragon attack so it isn't all
that useless against the dragon)
Tristan Rapidstrike
The only instant ally in the game so far. I really
like this guy; an unexpected protector can really
wreck an opponent’s plans. Unfortunately 3 attack
isn’t enough to take down Moko or Proudmoore, but it
does deal with Fury which is nice. In some cases, a
simple Frost Shock of Frost Bolt will do the job
better than Tristan, but if you can get him to kill
an ally and survive with his instantaneous protect,
you can take down another ally and get some
advantage that Frost shots can’t gain.
Constructed 4/5 He’s the only one of his kind but
abilities can be better
Casual 4/5
Sealed 4/5
Raid 1/5
Tristan Rapidstrike
Type Instant Alliance Ally
Cost 4
Health 3
Text Protector
A verry nice surpise card for alliance, besause you
can play him out at any
time you want, and paying 4 for a /3protector seems
like a good price to pay
to me
Constructed 4/5
Sealed 4/5
Casual 4/5
Raid 4/5
Tristan Rapidstrike
Constructed: 3 out of 5
Sealed: 3 out of 5
Let me ask you a hypothetical question right now.
You are drafting and you see Tristan and a Parvink
in the same pack. Who would you pick? Do you pick
the 2/2 Protector which helps you draw a card for a
measly three resources, or do you pick the 3/3
Protector? I know many people would immediately go
for the Parvink, and with due respect given the card
advantage you receive from her. Don't discount
Tristan though, he does have his definite uses. The
lone Alliance protector I personally play is Parvink,
because I need the card advantage. The problem with
Parvink is that she is merely a speed bump, and
usually dies more often than she stays standing.
She's useful, but she's still a speed bump. Tristan
though is a bit beefier (not by much though), and is
more apt to get rid of many of those pesky allies
your opponent might throw at you (Fury anyone?). If
you are going to play Tristan though, you need to
make sure you ask yourself one question, do you care
more about defense, or card advantage? If you care
about card advantage, run Parvink. If you care more
about defense, run Tristan.
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