(1) >>> Target
ally has +2 ATK this turn. Use only once per turn.
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: 3.25
Constructed: 3.75
Casual: 4
Raid: 2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.15.07
Elder Moorf
This guy is excellent. In any kind of aggro based
deck you should be running 4 of these guys. He makes
rushed even faster, and turns huge creatures like
Infernals into trains. Sure, he's fragile, but
everything is in a rush deck- you want to win
quickly, and this guy makes it happen.
One of the Horde’s most efficient attack boosters.
For once the boosted ally doesn’t have to be
attacking to get a boost, and for only 1 you get to
boost 2 attack. As a 1/1 ally he might not be around
long, but it’s best to summon him and boost an ally
that’s already good to attack. Then when they try
and attack one of your allies on their turn you can
boost that too.
Constructed 5/5 for efficiency in the rush
Casual 5/5
Sealed 3.5/5
Elder Moorf
Cost 1
Health 1
Text (1) Target ally has +2 ATK this turn. Use only
once per turn.
A pretty nice card for the horde player, I like how
his effet will even work
on him self. okay stats for 1 costing character, but
I think that there are some other 1 drops that
people will use before this guy.
He is a bity like Ravenous Bite, but with a 1/1 body
and a bit less of an effect. However, do not sleep
on this card. He provides you a bit of defense and a
pretty good affect to take down your opponents
Allies, especially when they are +1 ahead of you.
Hello all, My name is Jake Emrick or Jakeman2005 on
the Boards, and I have volunteered to Review
Card-of-the-days for Pojo's World of Warcraft Site,
before I start how about a little about myself
I have been playing TCGs since I was about 7 when I
got a Pokemon starter deck of course at that time I
was a total noob I later began playing Magic: The
Gathering but quickly dismissed that because of a
lack of friends that played it, then I began playing
Yu-Gi-Oh! and I still play that to this day however
(for several reasons that I do not Wish to get into)
it has become boring and troublesome to play
competitively. so while trying to find something
else that could compensate id taking my life I
started playing the World of War Craft MMORPG as fan
of many RPGs before that I quickly found myself
playing more and more for longer periods of time,
Then before long they announced the creation of the
World Of Warcraft Trading Card game and I jump at
the chance to combine my two favorite things at the
time WoW and TCGs and from that one thing led to
another and well here I am :D BTW
And now to the review >.>
Elder Moorf
This card is a 1 drop that has 1 Attack and 1 health
which is Ok for a one drop But his effect also is
very cool at the cost of one resource Target Ally
gains +2 ATK but you can only use his effect once
per turn
I love this card, It fits in horde rush so easily
late game this could help you so much, combined with
a Few "For The Horde!" this can make a 1 drop a huge
beat stick for a turn, but the best part is the fact
that HE doesn't get exhausted himself. <.<