Today we look at the Horde Ally known as Gellrin
of the Gallows.
Gellrin of the Gallows:
2 Cost
3 Attack(Shadow)
2 Health
Ability: Remove Gellrin of the Gallows from the
game -> Target Player turns one of his quests
Stat wise for it's cost, Gellrin has among some
of the best I've seen. 3 attack 2 health on a
two drop is even better than some of the three
drops we have in the game at the current moment.
His ability, however, is questionable to say the
For removing Gellrin from the game, target
player turns a quest of his face-down. Normally,
your opponent will just turn a quest that he
doesn't need face-down and keep the essential
ones up, thereby being just a major thorn in the
side rather than it being anything truly
damaging. If they only have one quest face-up
and they have the mana for it, they can just
respond by completing the quest and turning it
down, thereby interrupting Gellrin's ability and
making the fact that he's removed from game
completly worthless. However, Gellrin has a
couple uses in my eye, and that's for quests
that have a specific cost other than paying your
"mana" for them. For example, Torek's Assault,
Tooga's Quest, and Counterattack! all get
severly messed up if you drop a Gellrin at the
appropriate time and remove him to get rid of
the quest. Bear in mind, however, that that
needs to be your opponents' only face-up quest.
In my opinion, if the card said "Target Players
turns Target Quest face-down", the card would
see a lot more play. Myself personally, I've
never seen this card in any format.
Sealed:3/5. Stats are good for a two drop, but
the ability doesn't quite have the luster than
it should, even in Sealed.
Constructed:2/5. Again, he would be played
mainly for his stats, but I would probably take
Guardian Steelhorn over Gellrin of the Gallows
as a two drop.
Casual:3/5. It's a nice card to mess around
with, but there's better out there.
Raid:2/5. I haven't done much with raid
structures, but I assume it would be the exact
same as in constructed.