(X), Flip Radak
Doombringer, destroy one of your Pets with cost X
>>> Radak deals X shadow damage to target hero or
ally. Use only on your turn.
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: 2
Constructed: 3.75
Casual: 4.5
Raid: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.02.07
Radak Doombringer
An interesting hero because this card has access to
the biggest and even most useful pets in the game.
Infernal and Helwen are the two bigger ones that
stick out. But this starts to point toward his deck
and the fact that he has to depend on another card
or more to be great. By health, he is at a moderate
28 life. Other than that there arent many things to
say about this hero.
constructed: 3.5/5 (most definite uses)
sealed: 1.5/5 (the likely hood of finding good pets
in sealed isnt good)
raid: 2/5 (not the best in the support group, but it
may prove useful against whelps)
Happy New Year. And for your new year, today, we
offer you doom. Doombringer, that is.
Radak’s flip effect is one of the more expensive
effects I can think of. On top of the cost X, which
equals the cost of a target pet, you have to destroy
the pet to deal damage X to your opponent. The times
I’d want to give up a pet, are 1) if it was going to
be destroyed anyway, 2) I was about to summon
another (because you can only keep one on the field
at a time) or 3) it could win the game. On top of
being situational, it can only be played on your
turn, too. There are so many times I wouldn’t play
Radak’s effect, that I usually forget he has one.
But that doesn’t mean the Horde Warlock should be
neglected. Warlock ability cards make up for the
lame Hero ability.
Draft: 2.5 – Like any Hero, when drafting, you don’t
have to decide who you’re playing until after all
the cards are selected. You also can’t guarantee
drawing the best support cards for your Hero’s
class. This makes the character ability more
important. And if you read my opinion of Radak’s
effect, that makes him an automatic second choice.
However, that all being said, if you draft a Curse
of Agony, you are in business! Also, if you can put
together a set of ~5 cards like Grimdron, Steal
Essence, Corruption and Shadow Bolt, you’ll be able
to make the opponent sweat.
Constructed: 4.0 – Unlike draft, when you can
guarantee playsets of Grimdron, Steal Essence,
Corruption and Shadow Bolt, in your deck, play them.
Don’t knock the Life Tap or Sever the Cord cards,
either. They sound expensive, what with giving up
life points, and an ally, respectively, but together
they provide hand and field advantage. For example
at a cost of 3 resources, you can pay 1 to summon
Kagra, attack for a point, then Sever the Cord to
take out any nasty big ally bothering you.
Casual: 4.5 – Great casual play. Real easy, to
handle, too. Go heavy on the pets, and either peck
for 1 each round using Gimdron, or protect with
Sarmoth. Use abilities to take out their allies, and
build up your forces necessary to pummel your
Raid: 3.0 – Funny story. At my first raid, my Fiance
and I rolled into the card store with alliance
decks. We found a third player to fight the dragon
with, and shared our strategy. A few minutes later,
he had his binder out, and rebuilt our decks to
include shiny Onyxia cards. I wound up playing a
warlock in the process. We thought we were pretty
special with our sooped up decks. But the dragon
creamed us in the beginning of her third life. And
here’s the problem…Cull the Weak didn’t work against
Onyxia. It was too hard to keep allies out. Sure,
you can get in a shot with it, here or there. But
who wants to give up allies when there’s a dragon in
front of them? So despite all the shiny things in
our decks, we were devoured by the dragon. Most of
my shiny Cull the Weak cards turned into sad
face-down resources. The moral…? WOW is a
meat-and-potatoes game. Play your commons and