Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.08.07
Arcane Revelation
3 Mana, everyone except the raid boss draws a card.
Excellent! Card Advantage wins games, and the more
raiders you have, the better this card gets! The
only thing I'm not sure of is if you yourself draw a
card, too. I'd think so, since you are a friendly
player. Unless, of course, you are very mean and
stubborn. Just kidding, but hey.
Limited- 1/5- Useless.
Constructed- 1/5- In 1-on-1, it's crap.
Casual- 3/5- If you're doing some kind of 2-on-2
game or really any multiplayer game, it's good, but
is really situational.
Raid- 4/5- Great card advantage that benefits
everyone. Your friends will thank you.
Arcane Revelation
This is strictly meant for raids, as an individual
draw spell this card is very weak. There are so many
better cards for drawing. Playing devil's advocate,
if you were dead set on drawing a lot of cards, you
would like this spell just because it will add to
your other truck load of draw spells. The name of
that game is that if you have a lack of quality card
draw in the environment you focus on expanding your
quantity. That would be the only reason I would use
this card in a non-raid format. In raid, this card
is quite useful because it can loan drawing power to
heroes that don't have it. Like hunters, which can
really use a boost when they run out of steam.
sealed: 1.5/5 (better choices but card draw is still
card draw)
constructed: 1/5 (just because it's card draw)
raid: 2/5 (again the same reasons, but it gives a
card to everyone)
Vince G
Arcane Revelation
Play Cost: 3
Instand Ability - Arcane
Each Friendly player draws a card
One extra card can make a big difference, but three
to gain that card just isn't worth it. In a
constructed Mage deck, your main draw power will
come from Mana Agate. For the same amount net-play
cost as Arcane Revelation, you draw 2 cards. There
is a card that's better than Arcane Revelation. This
card is Arcane Intellect. For a Play cost of 2, it
let's draw a card.
Arcane Revelation and Intellect will see little play
in a constructed Mage deck simply because there are
better ways to draw cards.
In an Onyxia Raid deck however, Arcane Revelation
gets better. EACH friendly player gets to draw a
card. I don't think your raid party would mind an
extra card in their hands. So unless you're playing
an Onyixia raid deck, keep Arcane Revelation out of
your deck!
Sealed: --- ( obtained only in treasure pack )
Constructed: 1/5 ( better ways to draw)
Casual: 2/5 ( cards are always nice )
Raid: 3/5 ( it's good to help your teammates ! )