(1), Remove
Fianna Spellbinder from the game >>> Players can't
draw cards this turn.
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: 2.25
Constructed: 2.83
Casual: 3
Raid: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.16.07
Fianna Spellbinder
Since the Burning Crusade is released today, we
decided to celebrate by reviewing Fianna
Spellbinder, the very first Blood Elf in the game(at
least until the expansion Through the Dark Portal is
released). Fianna is a 3/2 for 3, not bad, but her
ability is why she is played. As long as you have 1
resource open and the opponent doesnt have an
instant ability that can kill her before you pass
your turn(It's possible, 2 health isn't a lot) she
can shine. Control decks love Fianna because they
deny the opponent a card, which gives you card
advantage. Omedus decks heart Fianna, because they
allow the pain they bring to continue!
Limited- 3.5/5 - It's still great, but its an epic,
so don't count on getting one.
Constructed- 4/5
Casual- 4/5
Raid- 5/5 - Stops a Stage 3 Onyxia from drawing 3
cards, that's good stuff!
Fianna Spellbinder
A creature of epic proportions. I honestly love the
idea of this card, however upon further thinking I
spot a lot of holes in it. You breach hard territory
when you ask a judge if you can stop their draw
effect as they announce it. Throwing that messy
scenario out the window, I am no judge nor do I
pretend to be, but from what I know of the magic
arena I believe that once a player announces the
payment of a cost you have a chance to respond and
in that time you’d pop this card. I mentioned in a
previous article that this would be a one for one
trade, since the opponent wouldn’t pop more mana for
a useless effect this turn. The only condition I
would use this card is that if the opponent were to
draw more than 2 cards. Druids seem like a good
Constructed: 2.5/5 (all in how you use it and in
what era of draw power)
Sealed: 2/5 (still a body and it can do something
even though it’s kind of small)
Raid: ?/5 (if there were some rule bending play to
stop them from their natural draw this card is a big
answer for the big dragon)
1, Remove Fiana Spellbinder from the game - >
Players can't draw cards this turn.
Neat ability. Forces opponents to focus their
attacks on Fianna if they have an ability to draw
cards. Basically, this card stops things like Mana
Agate, Life Tap, and Innervate. The play cost of
three is a little too high for a 3/2. I know I'm not
the only person trying to get this card to work in
their decks, but right now, there really isn't a
reason to use this card.