Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.18.07
I gotta say, I despise the people who spend over a
hundred dollars on 4 of these cards, just for a
slight advantage. I was never a fan of people who
use money to win games, but that doesn't mean this
isn't a good card. It's got 4 health, so most
abilities won't kill this card outright, and if
you've got a good protecter, chances are that this
card will survive the turn needed to activate it.
Once that happens, Time Walk!
Limited- 3.5/5- In Limited an extra turn is strong,
unfortunately chromie is epic, so you probably wont
see her.
Constructed- 4.5/5/5
Casual- 4/5
Raid- 1/5- Onyxia will find a way to kill Chromie.
Buy an extra turn. Sounds cool right? I know it did
when I read it, and for some odd reason despite most
of the trash talk about this card, I can see a
glimmer of hope for it. Need that extra attack? Need
that one card on your deck to pop that winning
combo? Do you need to win? Chromie can answer those
questions by giving you another chance to save the
day. It can only do it once though and you need to
keep all the mana open to cast and pop her
instantly. The only condition in this is that a firm
play by play must be written upstairs in order to
execute this operation for the win. Use with
Constructed: 3/5 (has a chance but it needs the
right phase of the game, the big clutch situation)
Sealed: 2.5/5 (clutch turns might not be that often
here because decks are tough on consistency )
Raid: 3.5/5 (I know when I played as Onyexia the
last words of my opponent’s were, “if I had one more
Vince G
Play Cost: 6
Ally - Dragonkin
Exhaust, Remove Chromie from the game -> Take an
extra turn after this one.
The first epic I pulled. I really love this card.
Her power is amazing. When this card first came out,
people were hyping this card because of the
'Forbidden Knowledge + Chromie' combo, but ever
since the ruling has been changed on the remove from
game pile, Chromie's popularity has dropped.
Now, the way you will be using Chromie is to force
your opponent to target Chromie. No one wants to let
their opponent have an extra turn, so odds are, all
attacks will be directed torwards her. With the
attack and health of 2 and 4, Chromie can take on
about 2 weenies. And if you somehow manage to get
Chromie's effect to go off. Kudos to you =]
Sealed: 1/5 ( 5/5 if you sell it later :) )
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Raid: 1/5