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Pojo's World of Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day

Sinister Strike

Your hero deals X melee damage to target hero or ally, where X is 1 plus the ATK of one of your Melee weapons.

Card Number - 102

Card Rating:

Sealed: 2.25
Constructed: 3.25
Casual: 3
Raid: 2

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 01.23.0

Aganej2 Sinister Strike

A big favorite for rogue decks, going very well with the dagger idea and how they increase in power. The trick with this card is to use it when the dagger gets it’s power bonus. The rogue ends of swinging for perhaps 11 pts of dmg in one turn, a game turning number. Even when a dagger isn’t available, this can still hit something for one pt. adding to more removal. Also this is a combo card, another bit of fuel for a killer Eviscerate. Two mana never looked so good. Look for it’s cousin, Back Stab.

Constructed: 3.5/5 (a solid win condition in both the respect that it helps Ev. and deals solid amounts of dmg.)

Sealed: 2.5/5 (good removal, but I wouldn’t say a solid kill card; depends on what other tools you pick up)

Raid: 3/5 (this is the sort of card a rogue would pull out to put the final blow on Onyxia)
Ta'zo Okay heres my first card review ready, go.

Todays card is Sinister Strike.
Cost Two

Instant Ability Combat Combo

Your hero deals X melee damage to target hero or ally, where X is 1 plus the

ATK of one of your Melee weapons.

I think that this card should be included in most constructed rogue decks.
First off its a combat combo, so it adds fuel to the eviscerate/expose armor

etc. fire. Also, for a cost of two you can instantly damage any hero or ally. Only problem is you have to have a weapon out which is why i wouldnt play it in sealed. There isnt a way for you to get enough weapons to use this card.
Basically for two its like attacking twice with your weapon. Not Bad

Constructed 3.5/5
Sealed 1.5/5
Raid 2/5 (No one to damage but onyxia)
Casual 3/5

Vince G
Sinister Strike
Play Cost: 2
Instant Ability - Combat Combo

Your hero does X melee damage to target hero or ally, where X is 1 play the attack of one of your Melee weapons.

Not bad. For a play cost of 2, you can do an average of 2 - 3 damage to any ally or hero. 1 copy of this card isn't going to do much damage, but if you play multiples, you'll notice how fast the damage adds up. I'd run 3-4 of these in a Rogue deck. Just like Gouge, it's great for using Eviscerate.

Sealed: 2/5
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Raid: 1/5
logan_nagol Sinister Strike
Play Cost: 2
Instant Ability - Combat Combo

Your hero does X melee damage to target hero or ally, where X is 1 play the attack of one of your Melee weapons.

It is an okay card, not as good as yesterdays though. But if you happen to have Teebu's Blazing Longsword you can do lots of damage

Sealed: 1/5
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Raid: 1/5



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