Exhaust target
ally. If your hero is stealthed, it deals damage to
that ally equal to that ally's health.
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: 1.6
Constructed: 3.16
Casual: 3.5
Raid: 1
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.24.07
This card was deceptive, it can remove something
instantly with stealth but the hidden cost in this
is that the hero will deal dmg. Meaning that stealth
will go away and to maintain it additional mana is
required. So for a total of about 5 mana, assuming
you are using the actual card Stealth, you get to
remove an ally at instant speed. This may top
Vanquish but this seems like a lot of hassle for one
ally. The individual ability is to exhaust and that
it’s a combo card is somewhat useful and I would use
it but I simply found better things. Perhaps if I
ran the Horde Rogue, I would use the stealth ideas.
Constructed: 3/5 (depends on the hero really,
stealth or dagger, either way useful for both)
Sealed: 2/5 (throwing out the combat calculations is
a master tactic for gaining good board control)
Raid: 1/5 (even if it’s on full power, what are you
going to kill? A whelp?)
Vince G
Play Cost: 2
Instant Ability - Assassination Combo
Exhaust target ally. If your hero is stealthed, it
deals damage to that ally equal to that ally's
The card isn't that bad. The only problem with it,
is that to get the full potential, you have to be
stealthed. Playing this card will unstealth your
Hey everyone, SpoonMan here trying my hand at some
Card of the Day. Today it’s Waylay: another Rogue
combo card. This means it’s another good card to set
yourself up for a brutal Eviscerate late game, but
how good is Waylay by itself?
You can exhaust target ally or kill it if you happen
to be stealthed. This seems pretty damn good:
killing an ally for the low cost of 2 and at instant
speed, but you have to be stealthed. Wouldn’t you
just rather pay 3 for Shadow Bolt in a solid Warlock
deck than build an unreliable Rogue stealth deck?
Yeah I thought so. Until there is more stealth
stuff, this is a less than good option.