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Pojo's World of Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day


As an additional cost to play Eviscerate, remove up to five Combo cards in your graveyard from the game.
Your hero deals X melee damage to target hero or ally, where X is 2 plus the number of Combo cards removed.

Card Number - 97

Card Rating:

Sealed: 3.3
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4.8
Raid: 4.2

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 01.25.0



This card is great in rogue decks. At the very least it's 2 points of damage for 2 mana. If you remove 5 combo cards, that's 7 damage for 2 mana at instant speed. That's crazy! If you're at the point in the game where you already have 5 combo cards in the yard, you're probably doing pretty well as is. This card could end the game, or at least put your opponent on their death bed.

Limited- 1/5- Not enough combo cards
Constructed- 4.5
Casual- 4/5
Raid- 4/5
Aganej2 Eviscerate

The big card for rogues, they don’t call it a finishing move for nothing and two mana for a possible 7 dmg you can see why. This card does depend a lot on what you’ve used before it but it adds additional usefulness in the cards in the grave. There is also no way to remove abilities in the grave too so it’s a safe bet this will hurt if it’s not countered. Even with no other cards in the grave, it still deals 2 dmg to anything. 2 for 2 is still good removal costs, the more spells you add to it are icing on the cake. A true win condition for Rogues.

Constructed: 4/5 (solid removal and solid win)

Sealed: 3/5 (still solid removal but it would depend on what else you pull or to be specific how many combos)

Raid: 4/5 (big bombs are needed against Onyxia to wrap up the game quickly)

Vince G
Play Cost: 2
Instant Ability - Assassination Finishing Move

As an additional cost to play Eviscerate, remove up to five Combo cards in your graveyard from the game.
Your hero deals X damage to target hero or ally, where X is 2 plus the number of Combo cards removed.

My favorite Rogue card. For the play cost of 2, you automatically do 2 damage. Not bad. On top of that, you can remove up to five combo cards, so you can potentially do up to 7 damage. That and like most Rogue cards, it's an instant!

Sealed: 2/5
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Raid: 2/5
Frost Nova Eviscerate

I think this card is alright for rogue decks out there. I mean rogues already have a lot of monster removal and I guess If you need more you can add this in . I wouldn’t play with more than 1 or 2 copies of it If I was going to main deck it though. Most rogue decks do have a lot of combo cards so this can get pulled off a few times but not until late game.

Sealed: 3/5

Constructed : 3/5

Raid: 1/5
SpoonMan Eviscerate

Ah, Eviscerate: the only reason to run Rogue. This card is what makes Rogue seem like it might just have a chance of being competitive. Late game it can do a whopping 7 damage for the cost of 2 if you happen to have 5 combo cards in your graveyard. This gives Rogues a lot of potential: with such a powerful finishing card they could be quite deadly, but unfortunately I have not come across anyone who has managed to build a successful Rogue deck yet. I have played a Rogue deck: in fact I played one at my regionals and won 1 game out of 5 lol. Eviscerate just doesn’t help early on and you just get too far behind. I have had thoughts of a Rogue deck with Donation of Wool and other cycling/discarding cards but there aren’t enough yet. As with many things, Rogues should get better with the next set, and then people will have to watch out for Eviscerate.

Constructed 4/5 with more/better combo cards this will reach 5

Sealed 3.5/5 how many combo cards are you going to get?

Raid 5/5 the game should go long enough to build up HEAPS of combo cards
logan_nagol Eviscerate
Cost 2
Type Instant Ability - Assassination Finishing Move As an additional cost to play Eviscerate, remove up to five Combo cards in your graveyard from the game.
Your hero deals X melee damage to target hero or ally, where X is 2 plus the number of Combo cards removed.

Another nice card for Rogues, this is a card that should be 4 in any rogue deck.

Sealed: 4/5
Constructed: 5/5
Casual: 5/5
Raid: 5/5



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