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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 07.11.07
The Haunted Mills
Undead got all
the goods. This is so much better than yesterday’s
quest. Pay 3, draw a card: That’s the standard of
quest card-drawing. To me, removing a dude from the
grave is not even an obstacle. So even the first
Mills is good. Pay 3, draw 2: Mills just turned into
a Counterattack without the restriction. Pay 3, draw
3: I Dream of such cheap card draw. And the fourth
Mills, if you make it, is just silly.
Constructed 5/5
Sealed 3/5
Casual 5/5
Raid 5/5
aka Warchief Thrall
The Haunted Mills
Faction: Horde
Undead Hero Required
Pay 3 to complete this quest. Reward: Remove an ally card in your graveyard
from the game. If you do, draw a card for each ally
card you've removed with quests named The Haunted
This card is a must in any Undead
deck, because drawing cards is always good.
So include 4 copies of the Mills
in your deck, they maybe Haunted, but they’ll proof
their worth to you.
Look out Scoob!
It's potentially 6 cards for a whooping cost of 9
and 3 allies removed from play!
It can get
higher but only if you allow an opponent to destroy
your resources which is never advisable.
It's extremely slow but quest
tutors help slightly. I'd probably skip it in favor
of a new plague that card is spiffy.
Haunted Mills (Horde)
Undead Hero Required
Pay 3 to complete this quest.
Reward: Remove an ally card in your graveyard from
the game. If you do, draw a card for each ally card
you've removed with quests named The Haunted Mills.
Now this quest is pretty neat. It gives
you a reason to play multiple. You pay 3 and get
one card for the first time you use one. If you use
4 of them, you will be paying a grand total of 12
resources to draw a grand total of 10 cards.
This is a fair trade off in my opinion. That is,
assuming you can hit all 4 of them. But still, even
if you only get 3, thats 9 cost total for 7 cards.
Not bad either.
Sealed: 2/5 Not great hear... its rare, so you'll
probably only see 1 of it, if you are lucky.
Constructed: 4/5 Can be great if you can use
Casual: 4/5 Good card, and fun to play. :)
Raid: 4/5 Raids run longer, so this card will have
alot more chances to see its full potential. You
are likely to hit your 3rd copy of it in a raid, and
that is when the value starts to roll in.