Pojo's World of
Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 07.13.07
The Relics of
Usually I would
say this card is terrible, but after reviewing
Greenmother recently this card becomes so badly
abusable. With allies able to use their exhaust
powers on the turn they’re summoned, and this baby
to ready them, that makes for some insane combo
power. Seraph comes to mind again, as does Medoc and
Primalist Naseth. Hopefully Fires of Outland will
support slower combo decks, so we can see just how
brutal this could be.
Constructed 3/5
Sealed 1/5
Casual 4/5
Raid 1/5
aka Warchief Thrall
The Relics of Wakening
Faction: Alliance
Night Elf Hero Required
During your turn, pay 3 to complete this quest.
Reward: Ready all allies in your party that
haven't attacked this turn.
This card could be used with some
allies that have Exhaust abilities, but I don’t
expect to see much play for this card.
An excellent
Shaman side deck as well as a cheap way to abuse
some activated powers.
Night elf restriction isn't really
an issue since in general they're decent heroes and
have a pretty wide range of decks to their credit.
Sealed: 4/5
Constructed: 4/5
Casual :4/5
Raid: 4/5
Relics of Wakening (Alliance)
Night Elf Hero Required
During your turn, pay 3 to complete this quest.
Reward: Ready all allies in your party that havn't
attacked this turn.
Finally, a quest card that I can really get
into. Being able to use activated abilites multiple
times on your turn, or being able to use an ability
than attack with the same character, or use an
ability and then be ready to protect on your
opponants turn... that can be pretty scary. And for
the cost of 3, thats not too shabby. You just
REALLY need to keep track of who didn't attack this
turn. :)