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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 07.20.07
Kiani De’Nara
An interesting
effect. Risky: if your opponent has Vanquish or
Shred Soul in hand, you're in big trouble.
Constructed 2.5/5
Sealed 4/5
aka Warchief Thrall
Kiani De'nara
Cost: 7
Attack: 6
Health: 5
You may destroy four of your
resources rather than pay Kiani De'nara's cost.
This card could actually see some
in a weird Spirit Healer Warlock deck, destroying
face down allies like Lokholar or Infernal and
summoning them at the end of your turn with Spirit
This one is
strictly a late game card. If you think destroying 4
resources will net you a win go for it.
( note- please
don't go for it this card promotes very bad field
Sealed: 2/5
We finish up our
Fires of Outland preview week with:
Kiani De'nara (Horde)
7 cost, 6 ATK (Holy), 5 Health
Ally- Blood Elf Paladin
You may destroy four of your resources rather than
pay Kiani De'nara's cost.
Well now... at first glance, this card can
seem kinda mediocre. 6/5 for 7? Eh. And really,
why would you rather lose 4 resources forever? I
remember when I was new to Magic, I thought
Fireblast was a HORRIBLE card until I got Pwn'd by
it over and over again.
The ability to bypass a cards normal cost can be
immeasureably amazing. Kiani is no exception. In
effect, with this guy, on turn 4 (if you were
desperate or doing amazingly well) you could spend 4
resources to play someone and then sacrifice those
four resources to play this guy as well. While
sacrificing 4 resources can be a big hit, in the
right situation, a card like this can be a game
Sealed: 4/5 If you can get solid bored control and
drop this dude, your opponant will cry.
Constructed: 5/5 Alternative ways to play cards can
be amazing. This guy will find a home in many
decks, as he can be played even after all your
resources are exhausted.
Casual: 5/5 Casually, he's just as good as
constructed. And he's fun to boot. :D
Raid: 3/5 Normally, in a raid, you want Allies that
can actually do something. This guy isn't weak, per
se (I mean, his stats are darn good), but no
protector, no ferocity... he's just a beat stick.
If you need a beat stick, this one is amazing.