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Wall of the Dead


Card Number - HOA-302

Card Rating:

Sealed: 2.00
Constructed: 1.00
Casual: 2.00
Raid: 2.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 07.26.0



Wall of the Dead

See Monday’s review of Aegis. Same story here.


Constructed 1/5

Sealed 1/5

Casual 1/5

Raid 1/5


aka Warchief Thrall

Wall of the Dead

Cost: 2

Defence: 0

Class Restriction: Paladin, Shaman, Warrior


Remove an ally card in your graveyard from the game Put a bone counter on Wall of the Dead
Wall of the Dead has +1 DEF for each bone counter on it.


If you play a deck that doesn’t recycle your fallen allies, it could be helpful, but since warrior and paladin mostly are solo decks, just let this card be a dusk collector, or trade it for something useful.


Sealed: 2/5

Constructed: 1/5

Casual: 2/5

Raid: 1/5

Epic Armor week nears its end
Wall of the Dead
2 cost, 0 DEF
Armor- Shield, Off-Hand (1)
Paladin, Shaman, Warrior
Remove an ally card in your graveyard from the game >> Put a bone counter on Wall of the Dead.
Wall of the Dead has +1 DEF for each bone counter on it.
Ah, wall of the dead... such a cool shield in the online game... does it stand up here??  Lets find out.  For starters, its cheat.  2 cost.  But for that 2 cost, what do you really get?  A lump of metal that sits there with 0 DEF.  In order to make this shield useful, you have to have allies in your graveyard, not typically where you want them.
If you want to use this shield, its best to use small allies and let them die.  Don't go out of your way to keep stuff alive unless its essential to some combo.  This does not mean let everything die!  When there are 4 or 5 allies in your graveyard, don't go too much further than that!  If you even have 3 counters on this sheild, you've gotten one heck of a value for 2 resources spent.
One other thing to keep in mind is that shields, like all other armor, can only stop damage from one source per turn unless you have a way to ready it.
Sealed: 3/5  You may find yourself with more allies in your graveyard than you really want in this format.
Constructed: 1/5  You can find better stuff in constructed.

Casual: 3/5  I can't wait to try and make a casual deck around this... I discard everything turn 2 and have a +7 shield??  Sounds fun, but useless... :D
Raid: 4/5  Here is where this shield can be useful.  Raid bosses have this nasty tendancy to blow up a ton of allies.  Dead allies means this shield can be quite useful for tanks.  :)



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