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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 07.31.07
Red Comet
Nasty little card. Use it to off an ally and set a
The downside being that you may set something vital
but it's nice that the card can replace a resource
if you need it to.
If you really need that extra 4 damage it's
something to consider.
Sealed: 3/5
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Raid: 4/5 - In a raid I can see this card being
something to fear.
Since you rarely target allies and if by chance you
kill a phase then well one resource is no big deal.
2 Cost,
Instant Ability- Destruction Talent
Destruction Hero Required
As an
additional cost to play Shadowburn, destroy one
of your resources.
Your hero
deals 4 shadow damage to target hero or ally.
When that character is destroyed this turn, put
the top card of your deck into your resource row
face down and exhausted.
Well, now…
this is fun. Cheap, instant, powerful. The
drawback: you sac a resource. But, you have
the potential of getting it back.
Sealed: 4/5
Casual 4/5
Raid: 4/5
I know I
normally add little blurbs to my ratings,
but I don’t have the patience today. :D
This card is for Destruction heros only. Right now
that’s Pagatha only. I think it’s a must have for
any Pagatha deck. It’s got 2 costs- Pay 2 and
destroy a resource- and 1 guaranteed reward and 1
conditional reward- do 4 damage and put a resource
down from the top of your deck, if you kill
something with the 4 damage.
In today’s game- 2 for 4 damage is great. But the
BIG question is what can you do with that destroy
and place a resource effect in order to maximize
this cards use for you? You shouldn’t try and base a
deck around this or anything, but you should try to
stay in control of the effects if you’re going to
use the card. The first thing is the destroying a
resource problem. You get to look at them so you
know if you’re destroying a face-down ally that you
want to bring back with a Chasing, or an ability
like Call the Spirit, or maybe just good old Spirit
Healer, yesterday’s card. Or you can destroy a
face-down ability if you can get it back from the
grave. Then there is the question of placing one
face-down from the deck so you don’t lose tempo in
the game. First you have to make sure you’re going
to kill the ally that takes the 4 damage. Not too
hard unless you run into a Paladin with a lot of
protection abilities. Then you want to know what
you’re putting down. Use It’s a Secret to Everyone
to put the card you want face-down on top of your
deck first. Then use one Shadowburn to put it in
your resource row. Then another to put it in the
Or simply use Shadowburn for a quick 4 to the hero’s
face in the late game.
Sealed: 2.0 Good damage, but tough to control the
resource manipulation.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4.0 Fun card with lots of surprise.
Raid: 4.0 I like this one here.
At first you might ask yourself, "why would I want
to play a card that required my to destroy one of my
The obvious answer would be that the card replaces
that destroyed resource, provided that you destroy
the target of the effect, but the real answer lies
in the card we reviewed yesterday.
When combined with Spirit Healer, Shadowburn gives a
Warlock an easy way to summon cards like Lokholar or
Infernal. Simply set either as a resource early on
in the game, and then destroy that card as a cost
for Shadowburn. Once Spirit Healer enters play,
bring the 14 cost Lokholar into play for free!
Combos aside, Shadowburn is still a 2 cost Instant
Ability that inflicts 4 points of damage, and that
isn't anything to sneeze at. True, you risk having a
good card being taken from your deck and set as a
resource, but that can be a small price to pay to
instantly nuke that Hyppogriph or Warmaster Hork.
3/5 - a good Instant Ability, especially against
Ferocity type monsters
4/5 - Not every Warlock deck I've seen runs this
card, but it's utility is unquestionable.
4/5 - Same as Constructed
2/5 - Despite the high Damage amount, Ongoing Damage
cards like Curse of Agony or even Corruption would
be better.