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Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 07.06.07
People sure did
overrate this guy. I remember with the release of
Dark Portal everyone was saying how awesome this guy
was, how we could expect to see plenty of this
guy…but where is he now?
He’s got ok
stats: 3/2 is what you’d expect on a good 2-drop,
but it’s his effect that’s jacked up his price. Now
it should be that this guy’s effect is broken, but
the designers input a small flaw which is enough to
keep people away from this guy: he has to destroy an
ally, so if your opponent has none, when Boneshanks
dies so does one of your dudes, giving your opponent
the all-important +1 that you were looking for when
you included this guy in your deck.
This one small
problem enables an intelligent opponent to
manipulate the field and thus Boneshanks’ effect.
This means it’s only really safe to summon him when
you have no other guys out, or if your opponent has
way more than you and you’re in a bad position
Constructed 2/5
Sealed 3/5
Casual 3/5
Raid 1/5
aka Warchief Thrall
Play Cost: 3
Attack: 3
Health: 2
When Boneshanks is destroyed, destroy target
Taking down this guy, probably it’s attacker and
another target ally (make sure your opponent has
another ally out, or else you have to destroy one of
your own).
You could try this card out, but it most likely
won’t see any play in top decks on tournaments.