Pojo's World of
Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 08.03.07
One of the two biggest allies we have in the game to
date. Ivus the Forest Lord is the other. The only
ones with double digit costs, attacks and healths.
The cost of 14 can be lower if you get a lot of
non-token allies on the field. Kind of tough with
the horde because they don’t have cards like
Diplomacy to make ally summoning cheaper, which
makes it easier to summon lots of them in one turn
and set yourself up for the 14.
But if you can get it out, the effect is powerful. 2
damage to each opposing ally and hero at the start
of the opponent’s turn will kill lots of allies and
do half damage to Jaina. All surviving allies can’t
attack then. It’s vulnerable to targeting abilities,
but the 10 health keeps it out there for a while. In
a deck that can find a way to swarm mid game, this
might hit the field quite a bit, but most of the
time, you’re going to have a tough time getting it
It does and doesn’t combo well with Spirit Healer.
For your side of the field, it’s good. If you get it
in the grave, Spirit Healer can get it out, but it
will have 1 health on it and be vulnerable to even
the smallest of instant ability damage in that
little window of opportunity before your opponent
starts their turn. But if it survives, it will do
that all important 2 damage and stop everything from
attacking. That’s good stuff. For the opponent’s
side of the field, when your opponent ends his turn
and gets an ally, it could be a protector you’ll
have to deal with, or an ally with a power he’s
planning on using before Lokholar can do any damage
to it.
I like the idea of big allies in this game, but it’s
just hard to get it this one out unless you try and
combo it with Spirit Healer.
Sealed: 1.5
Constructed: 3.0- Only if you
Casual: 2.5 fun to use big powerful cards.
Raid: 1.0 NO, No. no.
Lokholar the Ice
Finishing off with Warlock Week, we take a look at
Lokholar. Since this card has no Class Restriction,
you might wonder why it was included in a week
dedicated to Warlocks.
The answer is simple: Lokholar fits in best in a
Warlock Spirit Healer deck.
Since it's 14 Cost is rather prohibitive (despite
you having to pay 1 less for each non-Token Horde
ally), the easiest way to get Lokholar to the field
is good old "Dump & Revive".
- Discard him to the Graveyard
- Revive him with Spirit Healer
- Sit back and watch the show
Since Lokholar inflicts 2 Frost damage to each hero
and ally in your opponent's party, anything that was
summoned the turn before with Spirit Healer is
instantly killed. Anything that was summoned
normally that has more than 2 Health will survive,
but will be unable to attack!
The only threat to a Lokholar summoned in this
fashion is a monster with Ferocity...but then that's
why you have Sarmoth, right?
Oh, and before I forget, having 10 Attack doesn't
hurt either. (well, it hurts your opponent!)
This card won't always get out, but when it does,
it's pretty much GG for your opponent.
1/5 - it's doubtful that you will be able to
properly use this card in a Sealed Deck. It takes
careful deckbuilding to properly use him.
5/5 - In a deck dedicated to getting him to the
field, Lokholar can be devastating.
3/5 - You are less likely to have a deck that
focuses on getting him to the field, but then you
might also be more willing to run him in a casual
deck, despite his hefty cost.
5/5 - being able to destroy Whelps/Minions while at
the same time preventing the Boss monster from
attacking is just amazing! If that weren't enough,
Lokholar can smash face for 10 points each turn,
which will make quick work of your opponent.
Red Comet
Lokholar the Ice
Not much has changed since we last reviewed this
guy. Basically if you run a swarm he's going to be
very beneficial.
Otherwise it's not a card you can just toss in and
hope to get results.
You pay 1 less to play Lokholar for each non- token
horde ally in your party.
At the start of each opponents turn, Lokholar deals
2 frost damage to each hero and ally in that players
part. A character dealt damage this way can't
attack this turn.
Holy mother of beat sticks! This think is
a brute and a half. At 14 cost, he's hard to play.
But once he hits the table, you can start running
amok. His ability to reduce is own play cost can be
great, if your opponent doesn't kill all of your
stuff too early, and his secondary ability can be
downright devastating. Pretty much, if you get this
guy on the table, you can put your opponent(s) into
a lockdown so they can't attack.
Sealed: 3/5 Solid, but hard to play. If you can
drop him, your opponent may as well concede.
Constructed: 3/5 He's big and hard to play here,
but if you can drop him, your opponenet will have a
hard time making a comeback.
Casual: 4/5 Lokholar is a casual card at heart.
You play this guy for the shock value. The first
time you play this guy, your opponent will be like
"What the...??"
Raid: 3/5 In Raid, you will often have enough turns
to find resources to play this guy, and he can be a
definite help while trying to pulverize raid bosses.