Essentially you pay four to draw 2 cards ? Then this
is destroyed ?
High strike cost for the damage and a rather lame
ability leads me to say that this card is just bad.
I expect a bit more out of a weapon if I have to
blow it up and it requires a specific job class to
get an effect.
Sealed: 1/5
Constructed: 1/5
Casual: 1/5
We continue
'Molten Core Hunter- style week with....
3 cost, 3 ATK (Melee), 3 Strike cost
Two- Handed weapon- Polearm, Melee (1)
1, Destroy Shadowstrike >> If your hero has
Enchanting, draw 2 cards.
Well. As a weapon, this is a mediocre tool. As a
card drawing engine, though... if your hero is an
enchanter, you can get a pretty easy Draw 2 out of
this. Not a bad card on the whole, just not one of
teh best I've seen.
Sealed: 0/5 Because you cant get it in sealed.
Constructed: 3/5 You can strike with it and sac it,
if your opponant targets it, you can sac it... draw
two is pretty solid.
Casual: 3/5 About the same here.
Raid (Onyxia): 2/5 You can get better stuff for an
Ony raid.
Raid (MC): I need to get some money for an MC deck
so I can start rating the darn things!!!
Next up this week
is Shadowstrike.
Given the nature of this week's reviews I'll be only
reviewing this weapon for the Hunter class.
Let's look at the stats for Shadowstrike. First off
it only cost 3 resources to equip which is very
nice. The 3 strike for three damage is okay. 3/3/3
altogether is very playable. A turn three drop
leading into possibly consecutive three damage hits
could spell victory in hurry if unanswered.
Now on to the effect. This is only good for Aleyah
Dawnborn, but since this is hunter week we won't go
into this. So as it stands Shadowstrike is a
3/3/3 vanilla weapon.
All formats for Hunter: 3 out of 5 - It's a decent
All formats for Aleyah Dawnborn: 4.5 out 5 - A good
weapon with an optional draw two for one resource.
"A goony goo goo."
Brian Foster
Paladin, Warrior
Cost: 3
Strike: 3
ATK: 3
1, Destroy Shadowstrike->If your hero has
Enchanting, draw two cards.
This is a
pretty good early game weapon to have, when your
ready to use a new weapon (or someone goes to
destroy it) you pay one, destroy it and you get
two cards if your an enchanter (the
only hero, that can use this weapon and has
enchanting, is Aleyah Dawnborn, who happens
to be a blood elf Paladin from TDP). It's stats
are pretty boring, without the use of the
ability, for a cost of 3 a weapon that hits for
3 and you have to spend 3 to swing with
it...there are just better weapons out there for
these classes then this, but if you can use the
ability it's a much better card and should be
used (card advantage is never a bad thing).
1/5 (really N/A)
4/5 card advantage good....and if someone goes
to remove it pay one, get your 2 cards and the
opponent is out his/her resources used to try
and kill it. also good when you get a better
Casual: 4/5
same as above
Raid: 4/5
Charlie M.
Melee 1
3 Cost, 3 Atk, 3 Strike Cost
1, Destroy Shadowstrike If your hero has Enchanting,
draw two cards.
3 Atk for 3 Cost and 3 to strike isn't too bad, but
its not great. However, If you're packing a load of
weapons this wcould makea good early game choice,
especially if your hero has Enchanting. Pay one,
lose the weapon you no longer want and draw two
Not really much more to say here, fairly straight
forward card.