Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 06.15.07
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
A big fat long-range bow. Perhaps an addition to the
midrange Hunter control deck? I don’t know if the
7-drop slot can be sacrificed for a turn of nothing,
and if you’re going to turn 9 to play a weapon, why
not Thunderfury? Hunters do have a fair bit of
stalling power now with Frost Trap and Lightning
Reflexes, so the Rapid Fire OTK could make use of
this if they got to turn 8 or 9 without OTKing
already or if they didn’t have Deathdealer out to
pump their little Blackcrow. It could be used, but I
doubt it will see much play.
Constructed 3/5
Casual 4/5
Raid 1/5
aka Warchief Thrall
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
Weapon Bow
Play Cost: 7
Attack Cost: 2
Attack: 5
When you strike with Rhok'delar, your hero has
long-range this combat.
I think I’m in love with this card.
Ok, it isn’t a Arcanite Reaper, but think of
combining those to, or with a simple Krol Blade.
But just think of the face that you’re opponents
gonna pull when you bring this bad boy out.
Try to put 2 of these in you’re deck and let me know
how it works, I am gonna try it for sure.
A bit costly but the damage,strike cost,and effect
more than make up for it. It probably won't see
much play but give it a shot if you have the
Sealed: 4/5
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Raid: 2/5
Todays card is:
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
7 Cost, 5 ATK (Ranged), 2 Strike cost
Weapon- Bow, Ranged (1)
When you strike with Rhok'delar, your hero has
long-range this combat.
Finally I got my MC raid deck, and I gotta say... I
the heroes need better gear... these bosses are just
sick. Sick, I tell you! But the gear... the
treasures are just simply WOW. No pun intended.
Rhok'delar is an excellent choice for a late game
bow. In any format that you can get it, it is a very
solid endgame weapon. It only costs 2 to strike
with, which is pretty cheat for a 5 ATK weapon, and
the 'Long Range' will help keep you alive in raids,
especially MC when you are trying to take down
Majordomo Executus (for those who don't know, he has
no Health... you have to kill allies to kill him).
By then you should have plenty of resources to play
this weapon.
On the whole, although it lacks any kind of "cool
factor", it is a better than solid weapon for
Sealed: 0/5 you can't get it in sealed.
Constructed: 4/5 For hunters late game, this weapon
will be able to blow away most allies, and 5 damage
to a hero isn't exactly a small chunk.
Casual: 4/5 Solid choice, and fun to boot.
Raid (Onyxia): 3/5 Not an amazing choice, as its
wasted on the whelps, but being able to cheaply pop
ony for 5 a turn (or more if you ready repeatedly)
can speed up the process of bringing her down.
Raid (MC) 5/5 Here, heroes will have plenty of time
to get there big guns out, as you get to fight a
minimum of 6 bosses. Long-Range and big damage are
needed to take out the bosse, and killing Allies and
Minions is a MAJOR part of surviving this raid.