Horde - Ally - Mok'Nathal - Beastmaster
Rexxar enters play, put a unique Bear ally token
named Misha with 3 ATK, 3 health, and ferocity into
Rexxar has +3 ATK and +3 health while Misha is in
your party.
Today we look at our second unique ally and yet
another horde character but this guy I think is a
way better 7 drop than the previous card this week.
your paying 7 for a 4/4 and that in itself is a bad
deal… But you get a 3/3 token as well that has
ferocity, so you can hit with the 3/3 on the turn it
comes into play. The cool thing about this card is
your opponent probably has to dedicate two cards to
destroying this combo. Oh and while the 3/3 token is
in play your 4/4 is a 7/7… So now you have 10/10
worth of beastmaster and bear running around…
That’s a heck of a deal at 7 resources.
card is the horde Mya and while it’s unique that’s
OK because it fits into a late game rush deck very
well. I find it a solid snag for spirit guide in a
shaman deck as a surprise for your opponent. Late
game its annoying dealing with 2 large allies.
Sealed (5) well duh LOL you will almost always see
turn 7 in sealed and this is a bomb card if you pull
Constructed (3) it has a place in this format but
with the fast play of some decks paying seven for
this guy is steep and some will argue a poor use of
Casual (4) Solid fun card.
(ONY)(2) the high queen of removal can deal
with both Rex and his bear. Though making them
untargetable with paladin abilities is a way around
this problem.
(RAG)(4) I found this card was a solid hitter against the
bosses but Rag himself can remove them too easily
By: Paschendale