Field Repair Bot 74A
Cost 1
Neutral - Ally – Repair Bot
Friendly heroes have "1,  Put an equipment
card from your graveyard into your hand."
this would be card 3 for unique week and today we
have the strangest of strange allies. I remember
opening it and saying Hu?
lo and behold it has a place in the wow game and a
really important place some would think. You’re
never going to see it in a top tier deck or winning
anyone a regional. This is a card they printed for
the raid format alone or in multi player conflict.
Friendly is such a great word and should almost be a
keyword. The ability to give everyone on your side
the ability to retrieve stuff from the graveyard is
a key power, especially when you’re talking about
warriors who just lost their favorite sword or
gauntlets. Let them fish it out of the discard pile
before their turn starts and put it back into play
on their turn.
Sealed (3) Passing grade nothing special since all
equipment is uncommon but the ability to retrieve
key cards is great.
Constructed (1) not much use in this format with
quests that o the same.
Casual (5) in friendly group play this card can be
Raid (ONY)(4) Forcing Ony to waste removal on
a 0/2 is hilarious and if she doesn’t make her pay
for it by getting back all your lost equipment.
(RAG)(5) A key card in team play for
fishing stuff out of the discard pile… There is an
awesome piece of equipment what can be retrieved go
figure out what i’m talking about but having it come
back in this format can lock down the Bosses and Rag
for most of the game.