3, Flip >> Nimaasus deals X hol damage to target
ally, where X is the amount of damage that ally
dealt to Nimaasus this turn.
Well, this dude is interesting. I like Paladins,
personally. Of the decks that I have, my Pally deck
is my favorite. Nimaasus here has a pretty nifty
effect. He can pretty much toast any ally that hits
him. I really don't have much strategy for this
guy... Ah, I love mondays... my brain doesn't work.
Sealed: 3/5 If you are going to play a Pally, I'd go
for the blood elf first (If you are playing Dark
Portal), but otherwise, this is your guy. Not like
you have much choice. :)
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Raid (Onyxia): 1/5 His ability is next to useless in
an Ony raid.