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Pojo's World of Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day

Rescue the Survivors!


Card Number - TDP-297

Card Rating:

Sealed: 2.50
Constructed: 2.75
Casual: 3.00
Raid: 1.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 06.07.0


aka Warchief Thrall

Rescue the Survivors!



Draenei Hero Required
During your turn, pay 3 to complete this quest.
Reward: Put two Draenei Survivor ally tokens into play with 0 ATK, 1 health, and "Exhaust your hero, remove this ally from the game
Draw a card."


With all do respect, I think this is a waste of a perfectly good rare.

To draw cards there are better ones out there.


The only good thing about this card is, that you have the option to choose, to keep 2 allies as a kind of last minute defense on the field, but they won’t win the game for you.

The other option is to draw cards, which is almost always a good thing.


Sealed: 2/5
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 4/5
Raid: 2/5

Red Comet Rescue the Survivors!
Draenei Hero Required
During your turn, pay 3 to complete this quest.
Reward: Put two Draenei Survivor ally tokens into play with 0 ATK,
1 health, and "Exhaust your hero, remove this ally from the game Draw a card."
It's hard to say this a a good draw engine because tokens are
easy targets but the cost is easier to use than most of the other Token draw engines.
Try it out just don't expect to utilize the effect that often.

Constructed: 2/5

Casual: 2/5

Raid: 2/5
Rescue the Survivors! (Alliance)


Draenei Hero Required

During your turn, pay 3 to complete this quest.

Reward: Put two Draenei Survivor ally tokens in play with 0 ATK, 1 health, and "Exhaust your hero, remove this ally from the game >> Draw a card"

Hmmm... Interesting. Pay 3, exhaust your hero twice, sac 2 useless allies, draw 2 cards. Hmm. If you can find a way to keep those allies from being toasted (1 health is pretty easy to pop), this card may be useful. Since its Draenei only, though, it may not find its way into many decks.

Sealed: 3/5 Less removal abilities here, but less protectors as well... allies be hard to keep alive.

Constructed: 3/5

Casual: 3/5

Raid (Onyxia): 1/5 Allies will die WAY too easily in this here.
Charlie Monaghan Rescue the Survivors

Draenei Hero Required
During your turn, pay 3 to complete this quest.
Reward: Put two Draenei Survivor ally tokens into play with 0 ATK, 1 health, and "Exhaust your hero, remove this ally from the game Draw a card."

Rescue the Survivors, it’s not a bad quest but obviously has its
limitations. Only usable in a Draenei deck, I don’t believe its effect makes
up for its restriction.

The tokens could be handy, might be interesting to see how they work with
tomorrows card. The effect that the tokens get is interesting. However, it’s
not likely that you will get to use them both, unless you can protect them
or ready your hero in the same turn. If its draw powers your looking for
there are plenty of other good quests that allow you to draw for a cost of 3
or less.

Unless I’m missing some killer combo here, I would stick with other quests
that are tried and tested.

Sealed: 2/5 A difficult quest to use in sealed because of its restriction to
Draenei Decks

Constructed: 3/5 Only usable in a Draenei deck, better options available.

Casual: 3/5

Raid: 2/5

The art on this card is pretty sweet. 3.5/5



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