Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.15.07
aka Warchief Thrall
Weapon — Mace Melee (1)
Paladin, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior
Cost: Play 4, Strike 2, ATK 3
When your hero deals combat damage with The
Shatterer to a hero, destroy one of that hero's
controller's weapons unless he pays (2).
Welcome back to yet another review of a Melee weapon
that’s Shattering the scene on some level.
As I said in the last COTD review, there is a better
Melee weapon out there, but this one come pretty
close to it.
Striking your opponents Hero is always good, and
destroying a weapon or paying (2) gives him/her
something to think about.
So if you don’t have for copy’s of Annihilator, try
to throw a few of these, they will do some damage
for sure.
Constructed 3/5: Just a tad better then Wraith
Scythe, but not as good as Annihilator
Artwork 4/5: It does credit to it’s name, it
Shatters big time.
See you on the Battlefield
Warchief Thrall
The Shatterer
Cost 4
Classes: Paladin, Rouge, Shaman, Warrior
Weapon – Mace
Melee (1)
When your hero deals combat damage with The
Shatterer to a hero, destroy one of that hero’s
controller’s weapons unless he pays 2.
3 Melee Damage 2 to swing.
Looks like another weapon today and now we are
looking at a weapon on the lower end of average. As
we look at the card we see the 4 cost and the 2 to
swing and this looks a lot like all the other
weapons out there its class restrictions are ok the
only ones inclined to use a weapon like this are
there. It has a slightly above average Damage which
is cool. I think the real key to the Weapon is in
its game text. Now this card in all honesty should
have read “When your hero deals combat damage with
The Shatterer to a hero, destroy one of that hero’s
controller’s items/weapons/armor unless he pays 2”.
Many of you might think that’s a little broken but
when you can pay 5 and Moria does the same action
without having to even deal damage and with no buy
out option I have a hard time justifying paying 6 to
do the same thing. The damage is ok the effect is
too specific and the card is a sideboard card. I
think the buy out option really hurts this cards and
its inability to target items or armor.
Sealed (1): If you’re drafting with treasure packs I
hope you would take the UR no matter how much you
don’t want that Wrath Helm before you take this LOL,
I know it does damage and has a cool effect but I’m
sure you already have 4.
Constructed (1): I’m hard pressed to say this will
see any constructed action, unless weapons become
the in thing any time soon I’m going to say at best
your looking at a sideboard card, but even then
there are better ways on both sides to destroy
weapons without a buy out option.
Casual (2): You might see it get some action if you
have a lot of friends who play weapons.
Raid (1): The dragon she lacks weapons to destroy
all other weapons are either cheaper to swing/play
or offer a better effect.
Shatterer 3/15:Uncommon; Weapon; "When your hero
deals combat damage with The Shatterer to a hero,
destroy one of that hero's controller's weapons
unless he pays 2." Just like yesterday's
COTD, if you're playing a Pally deck then this card
is your friend, especially if youre playing an
opponent that constantly uses all their resources
every turn. PLay this and they will quickly learn
that their gameplan needs a little revision. This
card gives you great bang for your buck, but if
youre gonna play this in your deck, be sure to have
2 or 3 because your opponents will be sure to try to
send this to your graveyard.
Artwork: 3/5
Todays Card is The Shatterer ....
Pay 4 to put into Play and Pay 2 to
attack for 3, but if your opponent can't pay 2
you get to destroy a weapon. This card is great
early on because that is when your opponent
would not be able to pay 2 most likely...late
game, not bad but chaces of them paying 2 are a
lot higher...still a good card makes opponent at
least pay 2 to keep his weapon out.
Constructed: 3/5
Sealed: 2/5 not to many weapons
Art: 3.8/5 SMASH!
WoW CotD from your friendly neighborhood *Spydaman*
a.k.a I'm Wassup