Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.16.07
powerful weapon, but one for the side deck I
think. It decimates weenies but is useless
against an armoured solo character. Its
strike cost is a hefty three, to deal three
to whatever you’re attacking (2 plus the 1
fire damage) and 1 to everything else. With
Berserker Stance this thing would be brutal.
But I’d rather just use Skullflame with an
Annihilator or Wraith Scythe.
Constructed 3/5
Limited 4/5
aka Warchief Thrall
Flame Wrath
Two-Handed Weapon — Polearm Melee (1)
Hunter, Paladin, Warrior
Cost: Play 4, Play 3, ATK 2
When your hero deals combat damage with Flame Wrath,
your hero deals 1 fire damage to each opposing hero
and ally.
Well,Well,Well another Melee weapon which has some
The costs may be a bit high for the standard damage,
but to deal 1 (Fire) Damage to each opposing Ally
and Hero, maybe makes it worth playing after all.
Try it if you want to, but I suggest not more than
once or twice, throw in 2 Annihilators with it.
Constructed 3/5: I put in on the same level as The
Shatterer, so try which one you like best.
Artwork 2/5: Looks OK, but it had more potential
than this in it.
See you on the Battlefield
Warchief Thrall
Flame Wrath
Cost 4
Classes: Hunter, Paladin, Warrior
Two Handed Weapon – Polearm Melee (1)
When your hero deals Combat damage with Flame
Wrath, your Hero Deals 1 Fire Damage to each
opposing hero and ally.
2 Melee damage, and 3 to swing.
This is the first weapon that I can honestly say is
a victim of its class restriction. But lets put that
aside and take a look at her for what she is and
what she can do before we make snap judgments.
Starting from the top cost 4 is average for a weapon
that does an interesting effect, so that’s ok. Like
I said class is a restriction but let’s move past
that. Two Handed… 2 of its 3 classes are shield
bearing heroes who are big on defense so this hurts
it a bit. Its game text is a hidden jewel for a
variety of reasons. First of these reasons is this
is a whelp wacker, it is also a weenie nuke and a
good way to spread the damage all around the board.
Every time you strike with it and do damage you get
to hurt all your opponent’s allies. In the formats
that are being run right now the ability to wipe the
board of all small obtrusive allies is a welcome
sight. Now its Damage only reads 2 but it actually
does 3 because of the fire damage and 3 is high to
swing a weapon but you’re actually doing an AOE
attack to your opponent.
It’s a strange frost nova for the melee classes, but
like I said before it’s a victim of its class
restrictions. Had it been usable by Shaman Paladin
and Rouge I think it would see a lot more play.
Sealed (4): This would be a stunning pull in sealed.
It clears the board and in sealed it will usually
hang around to hamper your opponent’s ability to
keep allies in the field.
Constructed (2): I’m not sold on this weapon as an
option for any of the three classes that can use it.
Weapons are expensive and the effect it offers is
great but to swing with it the turn it drops is
going to cost you 7 and by turn 7 weenie allies are
not your biggest concern
Casual (3): It’s always fun to mow down your
opponent’s tokens or small allies, that will teach
them for using such weak things to attack you.
Raid (4): This is a solid raid card. As far as
investing in it only to lose it later that’s ok,
when Onyxia drops 10 whelps into play and you are on
turn 7 with this in your hand your friendly heroes
will love you for stacking it in your deck.
Flame Wrath
The weapon no doubt sounds very useful, but the cost
of it is what kills it. 4 to drop, then 3 to swing
for only 2 + 1 damage to your target.
This card is way to slow for hunter's to use. Horde
warrior is more of an OTK build, so this weapon
wouldn't be too useful. It would be okay for Warrax,
because it can kill a lot of weenies and lay the
hurt on protectors, but Deathbringer does a much
better job. I really don't see it being too useful
for Paladin's either. In a raid this card is
worthless. It might be fun to try in casual, but
skullflame shield plus annihilator is a much better
Constructed: 1/5
Casual: 2/5
Sealed: 2.5/5 (Awesome pull in sealed format where
there isn't much choice of weapons.) Raid 2/5 (Does
help with the whelps, but a warlock with infernal or
rain of fire would be better. And there is still
skullflame shield.)
Flame Wrath 3/16: Rare, Weapon; "When
your hero deals combat damage with Flame Wrath, your
hero deals 1 fire damage to each opposing hero and
ally." This is by far my weapon of the week. Same
cost to bring out and to play as the others, yet you
get something extra with this. Combat damage plus
fire damage. Get some of those +ATK increase cards
and youll be sure to run through your opponent. Not
only is the card itself good, but the artwork is
frickin sweet. Definitely play this card. You'll
regret leaving it in your binder.
Now for TGIFs card which is a very good
card...Flame Wrath
pay 4 to put into play, 3 to attack, and deal 2
damage....this card is so lame until you read
the text which reads When your hero deals combat
damage with Flame Wrath, your hero deals 1 fire
damage to each opposing hero and ally. if you
attack the hero he takes 2 +the 1 fire damage,
then hits all the other allys for 1 which can
destroy a few playable allys from the start such
as Voss Treebender and Apprentice Teep...this is
one of the more playable weapons, just add in
some armor that increases attack this card is
Constructed: 4.8/5
Sealed: 3.7/5 Stops the weenies
Art: 4.5/5 it is the King Triton(the little
mermaid's dad) weapon on steroids.
WoW CotD from your friendly neighborhood *Spydaman*
a.k.a I'm Wassup