Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.20.07
aka Warchief Thrall
Blessing of Wisdom
Instant Ability
Cost: 5
Restriction: Paladin
Attach to target hero or ally. Ongoing: Attached character has "Draw a
Well today we have a card that in potential could be
used quite nicely, but won’t see a lot of play.
First of all, this card is restricted only to
Paladin, which limits its options.
Second, this cost is a bit high, at least for the
effect it gives us.
Drawing is important, without cards in your hands
you lose options to defeat your opponent or respond
to his actions.
But there are better ways to replenish your hand, so
leave this card where it is.
Card Rating: 2/5
Sealed: 2/5
Constructed: 2/5
Casual: 3/5
See you on the Battlefield
Warchief Thrall
Blessing of
Paladin Instant Ability
Cost: 5
Attach to target hero or ally.
Ongoing: Attached character has "(A)-> Draw a card."
I think this is one of the worst support cards
Paladin has. Let's face it, most Paladins run solo,
meaning they don't run any allies. If they do, it's
usually just Leeroy and/or Parvink. Giving either of
them this ability is a waste of those allies, and
neither will last long enough to be able to use this
effect anyway. Leave this card in the trade binder.
Sealed: 4/5 (Limited draw power, and running solo in
this format is pretty difficult. You'll definately
have enough allies to make this card useful.)
Constructed: 1/5 Worthless
Casual: 1/5 (Still wouldn't bother.)
Raid: 1.5/5 (You might be able to make the Onyxia
player laugh enough to make a mistake.)
Red Comet
Blessing of
5 for the ability to make your hero or ally a draw
Yes please.
It's probably best you never put this on an ally (
except maybe Donna Callister and pretty soon Kunlan
On your Hero though, exhausting for a draw after you
attack isn't a bad idea. In fact it's a superb idea
especially when Paladins have so
many nice instants that you could draw into. A
decent sideboard at the very least.
Card Rating-
Sealed: 2/5
Not the best in this format.Paladins have two cards
that let you draw and heal and they're cheaper.
Constructed: 3/5
Side deck it if you think you'll need the drawing
Casual: 3/5
Same reasons as constructed
Raid: 1/5
NEVER EVER use this in a raid unless you like to
WoW TCG Player /
Judge Lv1
Sweden :-)
Blessing of
Todays card is a blessing from our fellow paladins,
the one who gives “Wisdom”. It’s an Instant Ability
for 5 resources which gives a hero/ally the ongoing
effect of drawing cards by exhausting that
This is a good ability, and the cost is reasonable.
You want to put this on either your hero or a big
ally, not a little guy that almost always dies when
it battles something. Putting this on your paladin
hero would be a good choice, but it may interfere
with the other uses of paladin abilities and
strategies. Such as Sacred Duty (or just being able
to protect) or attacking with backup from other
Seals. But still, this is an ongoing card-machine
which gives you card advantage if used properly.
Personally I’ve never played a Paladin Deck, but in
theory, the card can work. With the upcoming Horde
Paladin, this card would work solid if it was put on
Kulan Earthguard.
Effect: “attach to target hero or ally. Ongoing:
Attached character has (active) draw a card”
There are better things you can do with 5 resources.
It is a card that you might use in turn 5. But the
ally then becomes the prime target (it just doesn’t
make sense to put it on your hero. Since he’s the
one who is using weapons). In all a very bad card.
There’s just more you can do with 5 resources.