Mind Blast
Cost 5
Ability – Shadow
Your Hero Deals 2 Damage to target
Hero or Ally. Its Controller Discards a card for
each damage dealt.
Sorry I missed the last two reviews
but the last week was insane =), onto the review and
wow do I like this card in a whole bunch of ways.
Priests have the ability to either do
damage that can’t be prevented, or do damage that
makes you discard cards. This ability is the later
of the two and for its 5 cost it’s a deal and a
half. A lot of people don’t look at discarding cards
in the right way and I’m going to look at that
first… Let’s say your opponent has 2 cards in hand
and is playing horde hunter. You went first and on
your turn 5 you drop a resource and you play Mind
Blast for 5 and you use it to remove an annoying
ally of his… Your opponent sighs and discards his
fury and a marked for death. OK not only have you
discarded an annoying ally but you have removed two
potential threats from the game that you don’t have
to deal with later on.
Removing Cards from your opponents
hand is the same as removing them from play. So when
you look at this card look at 2 damage and the
destruction of two cards that have not reached play
Oh and the killer of this card is, it
dose not tell you to discard 2 cards it says to
discard a card “for each damage dealt”… The obvious
choice to increase your damage is to use Shadowform,
there is also Saphron Drape and Chromatic Cloak, all
of these will increase your damage by 1 and
potentially remove even more cards from your
opponent’s hand. Combined with things like Bad Mojo
Mask you can force your opponent to play every card
they get or place it face down as a resource either
way you know what your facing all the time and this
can greatly increase your chances of winning.
Sealed (4): This is a great pull for
all priests and I wouldn’t hesitate to play it.
Constructed (4): This is I believe a
staple in almost every priest deck. I only play with
3 because I don’t like them clumping but I have yet
to build a priest deck without 2.
Casual (2): I think this card used
outside of a competitive atmosphere creates a
negative playing experience, this is just a personal
thought but don’t be playing this card in casual
play, its great but save the great cards for
competitive games.
Raid (5): Yah this card is a keeper
for the priests in raid format, the role of the
priests is it keep people alive but if they can do
this by dropping a couple of these during a game so
be it. Removing any cads from the dragons hand will
be key late game.
“Tell the tale of Paschendale”
–Bruce D.