Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 05.16.07
aka Warchief Thrall
Rite of Vision
Tauren Hero Required
During your turn, pay 3 to complete this quest.
Reward: Put a Spirit Guide ally token with 1 ATK and
1 health into play. At the start of your next turn,
remove that ally from the game. If you do, choose a
card from your collection, reveal it, and put it
into your hand.
I find Race bound Quests risky, and this one isn’t
an exception. Sure it’s searching ability is a good
thing, but you have to keep the Spirit Guide alive
during your opponents turn.
So if you have some protectors out, or you’re
opponent isn’t going to attack, this card might
Rite of Vision
One thing before I start in casual your collection
is every card you own. In any other format your
collection is your side deck.
The rulings for Through the Dark Portal apply here
folks so no you can't use this to get an arcane
Despite those rulings this is still a good card just
not something you'll get to use that often.
The spirit ally is just to weak odds are it'll die
before your next turn on the off chance it doesn't
that effect can be game breaking.
Stick to casual if you want to use this.
Sealed: 1/5
Might actually work I stress the word might.
Tauren Week, day
3... "Moo, are you happy now??"
Rite of Vision (Horde)
Tauren Hero Required. During your turn, pay 3 to
complete this quest.
Reward: Put a Spirit Guide ally token with 1 ATK and
1 Health into play. At the start of your next turn,
remove that ally from teh game. If you do, choose a
card from your collection, reveal it, and put it
into your hand.
This card seems to be just on the wrong side of
broken to me. In Magic, card that allowed you to
search OUT of the game for cards got banned quick
like. This one may as well.
Card advantage wins games. Plain and simple. Being
able to search your deck for a specific card is very
powerful, as its not just card advantage, but its
teh card that you want advantage. Being able to
search your entire COLLECTION for a card? Thats just
wrong. Fortunatly, there is a catch. You need to
keep a little 1/1 alive for an entire turn to
succeed. This may prove difficult with all the
Intercepts, Firebolts, Frost Novas, breath weapons
from dragons, and about a million other effects,
that seem to be just randomly lying around in this
game. But if you can manage to keep the wolf alive,
this card CAN be a game breaker.
Its good to note that this card comes with
restrictions. You can only search for a card that
would be legal in your deck. If you are playing a
Warrior, you can't search for a Warlock card. If you
are playing a Tauren (which you must be), you can't
search for an Alliance card or a card that requires
a race other than Tauren. And you can't search for a
card if it would exceed the number of that card
allowed in your deck. This means that if you are
playing a Warrior, you can't grab yourself a 5th
copy of Demoralizing Shout. But past that, you are
golden. You can put 2 of a card in your deck, and
have 2 ready to be grabbed if the wolf survives for
teh whole turn.
Sealed: 4/5 Here, your wolf is the least likely to
be destroyed through abilities. If you draft this
card, make sure to try and draft a few protectors.
As far as I know, this card only allows for you to
search your drafted cards not in your deck, but I
could well be wrong.
Constructed: 3/5 The wolf will have a hard time
staying alive for a turn here. But if you can pull
it off, this card could either turn the tables on
your opponant, or solidify your win.
Casual: 3/5 Same as Constructed.
Raid (Onyxia): 2/5 Here is where your wolf has the
least chance to stay alive. Ony has way too many
ways to kill Allies, between a ton of whelps, event
cards, and abilites, your wolf most likely won't
survive OUT of your turn, let allown into the
next... And really, if he does, that one card may
make the difference, but its not likely to be THAT