Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 05.17.07
aka Warchief Thrall
Morova of the Sands
Health: 28
10, Flip Morova Morova deals 7 nature damage to
target hero or ally.
Morova’s effect is like WOW, dealing 7 damage is
very very nice. It will cost you a lot of resources,
so you only will be able to summon a small ally in
this turn.
She has some nice support cards, but I like Thangal
better, simply because it can use Heart of the Wild.
Druids gained some heavy aggro support in Dark
portal so making a low ally druid beatdown deck is
very possible.
By the time you can pay for this effect 7 damage
will be something your opponent does not want to
Run 4 Sunder Armor and 4 Hurr Shieldsmasher and
you'll usually get all 7 through.
Tauren week nears
its end...
"Have you ever seen a Tauren hunter stalk its prey?
Morova of the Sands (Horde)
Hero- Tauren Druid (Balance), Skinning,
Leatherworking. 28 Health
10, Flip Morova: Morova deals 7 nature damage to
target hero or Ally.
Here is a fun card. As a druid, she gets access to a
few healing cards. In a raid, this is can be pretty
solid. In constructed, with a good balance of decent
allies, healing cards, and damaging effects, you can
probably keep her alive until you have 10 resources.
Assuming your enemy doesn't have a ton of armor, by
that time 7 damage should be enough to pop them off.
Sealed: 2/5 Speed kills in sealed. Her 10 cost
ability doesn't scream speed. And 10 cards out of a
sealed deck for resources can hurt.
Constructed: 3/5 Here, her ability can be a game
ender, but it may be hard to get to 10 resources
before you die.
Casual: 4/5 In the more laid back formats, she can
be pretty fun. Her built in finishing move has a
good chance to go off, and with the less serious
decks, she can just keep herself healed to get to
turn 10.
Raid (Onyxia): 4/5 Here is where she can be pretty
fun. As a Druid, she can be a makeshift healer, and
she can throw a little bit of DPS (Damage Per Second
in WoW terms for all you non- WoW MMO players). Turn
10 isn't hard to hit with some well built decks. Her
7 damage may be enough to push Ony into her later
stages before she gets to the point where she can
use her abilities.